Flower Feilds at Midnight

21 1 13

Lewis pov

I sat with silk sheets and my mattress tucked underneath me. The slight chill of my cold fingertips, that remained pressed against my temples, was the only thing that kept my mind somewhat rational as insanity creeped its way into my head. I could do nothing but sit and contemplate my next actions. I refused to even wiggle my toes out of the fear it would cause some sort of chain reaction that would set the entire world on fire.

Hands snaked around my waist and left the burning sensation their owner carried printed onto my sides. Heated breath slithered against my neck as I sat in the eerie silence of the room and annoyance ran through my veins as the persistent unwanted touch kept getting increasingly brazen with every passing second.

"Arthur?" A hum followed my words. "Maybe you should leave." He chuckled at my sentence.

"Lewis, stop joking." He giggled.

A frustration within me grew at his defiance. He layed pressed against my back as his fingers traced my abdomen and had not even attempted to move an inch after my past statement. The laughter that filled the room only aided with my growing anger towards him and I repeatedly needed to remind myself of the definition of the word tolerance.

"Arthur, I am being serious." A look of outrage washed over his face as he comprehended my words.

"But why!" He pleaded.

"I must search for Declan. After he suddenly ran off I was forced to return to the room because of your presence. I can not leave you alone within the castle walls." I explained. He scoffed before rolling his eyes.

"So you've found a replacement." His earlier playful tone had disappeared completely from his voice and he held a displeased expression.

"Don't be foolish Arthur and release the resentment in your voice. Stop behaving as if you are my lover that has discovered my infidelity. We both know you hold no such title." He lifted himself off the bed and slowly dragged his clothes onto his body. "Can you not move at a faster pace?" I questioned. "He is new to the castle and most likely lost." Annoyance flashed onto his face.

"I'm done." He announced as he moved towards the door. I followed him with brisk footsteps, after ensuring that I had also clothed myself.

Arthur trailed behind my every step obediently. But as I led him towards the back entrance of the palace his glare of annoyance and rage practically bore holes into the back of my skull. And his continuous huffs of anger, that I am assuming he believed went unheard by my ears, were the only thing that filled the stagnant air.

We had been walking for what felt like hours as we trailed through hallways and descended staircases. Before finally approaching an old wooden door that resided in a corner within the castle structure. I quickly glanced at our surroundings to ensure we would not be seen or were not being watched before pushing the creaking piece of wood open and gesturing at the scenery that laid outside.

He glared at me before taking annoyingly slow steps until he reached the opening and finally exited the castle. While hushed mutters and grumbles escaped his mouth I shut the door behind me with a sigh of relief. I glanced around the darkness once again, hoping that the entire exchange went unseen, and inhaled deeply in preparation of the search I now had to commence.

My tiptoed steps filled the palace halls as I journeyed around corridors. Every corner and bend was seen by my eyes, even the ones so ridiculously small the only thing that could possibly squeeze into them was a mouse. I had even checked his room with the small hopes that his memory was more amazing than I had imagined and he at least remembered the path to it but in the end I also walked away from that door disappointed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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