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i thought about it for a second as if i really had plans for the rest of the day. but decided against a lie and told him i was doing nothing. i'm not a great liar to be fair.

he smirked at me

"let's do something then" he suggested

"what do you have in mind dominic?" i asked him, crossing my arms over my chest

his name sounded cuter when he said it.

"i dunno" he shrugged throwing his cigarette butt on the pavement and squishing it with his tattered black converse

i watched his every movement.

him running his hands through his hair, putting his lighter in his pocket, everything. i felt stupid being so star stuck by his face.

"wanna go swimming?" he asked suddenly

"sure" i responded

i cannot swim. no like literally i cannot swim to save my life. but i had no other suggestions of what we could do because i literally don't know him or what he likes to do. i'm simply agreeing to hang out with him because to be frank, he's fucking hot and this is the most exciting thing to happen to me all summer.

"okay cool, i don't have a pool by where i stay but we could go to the beach?" he questioned

"yeah the beach is fine" i agreed adjusting the strap of my purse that was slipping off my shoulder

i have a love hate relationship for the beach. love the waves, hate the sand. love the sun, hate the people. you get the point. but was i gonna tell him my inner thoughts? of course not. this beats bed rotting for the rest of the weekend alone by a bazillion points.

"i need to change though because im not wearing this" i said running my hands past my uniform cringing at how i probably looked

"green looks good on you though" he chuckled and i felt my face turn hot

"shut up" i said rolling my eyes

the smile he had from laughing remained on his lips and he held up his hands in defense walking towards his car, leaving me standing in my same spot. he opened his driver side door and began to climb in his car before looking at me quizzically.

"aren't you gonna hop in?" he asked, his head poking out

"i just told you i have to change" i said pointing to my car "i'm just gonna run home and we can meet up later"

are boys just this dumb or did he think i was alex russo? like i can't just wave my magic wand and change like cinderella.

"oh, i thought we could just slide in my car and i'd take you by your house to change?" he asked innocently

it was kinda cute.

i stared at him for a second wondering how good of an idea it'd be for him to know where i live. i've definitely had my fair share of meeting up with strangers off the internet and for better or worse, im still alive. now that i think about it never been too concerned with my personal safety before. or like ever? so im not sure why i felt the need to be now. but something about inviting him into my home while i changed made me anxious. like the thought of this ethereal stranger sitting on my couch made me wanna squeal and vomit at the same time.

"or-" he started snapping me out of my thoughts, "we can go to where im at and you can borrow something of mine. the beach i wanna go to is in that direction anyways so it kinda saves us a trip."

i thought it over for a second. enjoying the thought of having an item of his to take home with me. for one, as proof that this strange yet spontaneous day even happened. and for two, to show & tell my best friend saige all about. but judging by his slim yet toned frame, i'd be lucky if i could fit a single thigh into a pair of his shorts. so i'll pass.

"actually how about you just follow me to my house so i can change and drop my car off and we just take your car there" i decided

"sounds good to me, should you text me the address or i just trail you?" he asked

"you can trail me" i said "but just incase im driving to fast for you i can send you the address too. what's your number?"

"you were so offended i was hitting on you, and now look at you playing my role asking me for my number" he teased

i rolled my eyes and handed over my phone unlocked for him to put his number into, which he did

i called his number so he'd have mine and he said "got it" with a nod

"okay lead the way little lady" he smiled and we parted paths, me walking to my car that sat ways away from his.


this is short bc i literally forgot i started this but the whole plot is written out already for this story. my thumbs just get tired from typing lmao. hope u li(c)ked this 🫦

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