Deviljho VS Brachydios

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An Agnaktor weakly groaned as he laid on the floor as the slime of his opponent exploded as he charges his beam attack, w which severely weakened him and was at the mercy of a bipedal, purple dinosaur with slime on his arms and head as he walked over the fallen Agnaktor. This monster is the Brachydios, the Crushing Wyvern.

Reveling in the sight of the Agnaktor lying helpless against him, the Brachydios roars and raised one of his arms up as the green slime turned yellow before punching his downed opponent with an explosion, killing his rival.

Satisfied with the outcome and victory, the Brachydios turns and walks away from the area when a loud roars pierced the air stopping him in his tracks. The ground shook as he turns to face where it came from and sees a huge green dinosaur resembling a pickle with spikes as the huge monster stops a dozens of feet away and roars into the night. It is none other than the Deviljho, the Terrifying Violent Wyvern.

It had migrated from the Tundra to the Volcano in search for more food. It stumbled upon the Brachydios killing the Agnaktor and decided to steal its kill. Brachydios' eyes narrowed as he did not like another intruder on his territory. He gave a huge bellow as he challenged the Deviljho.

Deviljho wasted no time charging towards Brachydios and lunges for a bite, but his opponent sidesteps and punches the side of Deviljho twice resulting in slim covering said area. Unaware of the danger its in, the Deviljho kept biting at Brachydios which he easily dodges until the slim turned yellow and exploded, causing Deviljho to roar in pain. Brachydios then spins and smacks Deviljho with his tail into a rock pillar, causing it to collapse.

This caused the Deviljho to become enraged as he roars and his body swells up with red markings on his back and shoulders. Deviljho jumps and manages to bit Brachydios in the neck as he begins ragdolling his opponent. Brachdyios bellows as he punches Deviljho with the slime getting on his sides and exploding, but this did not deter his adversary as he spins and throws Brachydios several feet away, letting out a roar as a show of strength.

Brachydios gets up, but now the slimes from his horn and arms went green to yellow as he gave a huge bellow of anger as he too becomes enraged. Deviljho charges and spins to whack Brachydios with his tail but he ducks under and throws a right hook to Deviljho's face. But instead of slime like last time, an explosion occurs when the attack made contact and broke his chin spikes as Deviljho roars in pain and surprise.

As Deviljho reels back in pain, Brachydios slams his horns into the ground and caused an explosion that knocked Deviljho off his feet. Brachydios then walks up to the fallen Deviljho and began punching Deviljho repeatedly in the face and side with explosions as Deviljho roars in agony.

Adrenaline overrides pain however and Deviljho unleashes his dragon breath in Brachydios' face, causing him to bellow and stagger backwards from the attack. Deviljho gets back on his feet and bites down hard on one of Brachydio's arms before crushing it in his jaws. Brachydios bellows at the loss of one of his primary offense but uses the opportunity to punch Deviljho in the face again, making another explosion and causing even more damage to his rival, forcing him to release his grip on Brachydios' broken arm.

Both Brute Wyverns were exhausted from their fight and taken considerable damage, but Deviljho draws the short stick as he becomes more hungry and losing stamina fast. Instinct takes over and he charges at Brachydios for a final lunge, but this time Brachydios throws an uppercut that explodes on Deviljho's throat upon contact, making him gurgle and stagger back.

Brachydios uses this to tackle the bigger Deviljho down to the floor and raised his horn up high before slamming it down on Deviljho's face for the final time, fittingly crushing the monster's skull and ending the fight. Brachydios' slime returns to their normal green color as he exits his enraged state. He bellows in his second victory, but with only one arm functioning, he needs to be more alert.

Winner: Brachydios

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