Almudron VS Jyuratodus

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In Area 7 of the Flooded Forest , a gray Leviathan with whiskers and a cobra-like head lounges in the waters as he sat near the the waterfall looking for something to ambush, its body covered in mud with his tail collecting said mud for an attack. This Leviathan was an Almudron, the Hermit of the Swamp. After a minutes passed by, he sees a Slagtoth coming into the waters and drinking from it.

Seeing an opportunity, Almudron sinks into the waters and stalks towards the his would-be prey. He was a few feet away when suddenly, a huge Monster emerges from the waters and bites onto the panicking Slagtoth as it drags its prey down. He could only look stunned as he sees a Piscine Wyvern whose gray carapace was covered in mud which was slowly hardening.

It was a Jyuratodus, the Sinister Swamp Shadow. After having its fill, it turns to dive down when he noticed Almudron in a distance. Both were unaware they share the same territory. The more temperamental Jyuratodus roars a challenge to which Almudron was more than happy to comply. The Piscine Wyvern attacks first by launching into the air and opening its mouth to take a bite but Almudron spins around and whacks him in the face, knocking him over to his side.

Using his tail to form a huge mudball, the Hermit of the Swamp hurls the projectile at the down Jyuratodus. However, the Piscine Wyvern is able to swim out the way and fires his own mudball at Almudron though it did little. Scoffing, Almudron slams his tail down which forms a small wave that was heading for his opponent. However, the Sinister Swamp Shadow dives into the muddy water just as the waves passed over him.

Almudron looks around to see where he'd gone, but was taken by surprise when Jyuratodus emerges from his side and slams into him, making Almudron roar in surprise as it knocks the wind out of him as Jyuratodus dives back in. By the time the Almudron recovers, Jyuratodus bursts out from below and had his jaws on the Hermit of the Swamp's throat as he bites deep. Almudron roars in pain as he and Jyuratodus rolled around trying to get him off the Leviathan.

The Sinister Swamp Shadow's carapace proved too hard to pierce but Almudron uses his claws to instead grip the Piscine Wyvern and throw him off Almudron. Almudron then creates a mud pillar that breaks Jyuratodus' face which made him roar in agony. Not done yet, the Hermit of the Swamp creates four more pillars below Jyuratodus which severely hurts him as he lacks protection from his underbelly.

Wanting payback, Almudron bites down on Jyuratodus' throat and begins thrashing his head around, causing his teeth to dig deep into the soft flesh as the Piscine Wyvern flails around trying in vain to escape. Eventually, a loud crunch was heard in the area and Jyuratodus went limp as his throat was crushed by the Almudron's jaws and the Leviathan roars, reclaiming his territory.

Winner: Almudron

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