Aerith and Sephiroth: I Love You

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"Why do you keep them around?" The silver haired god of death stood behind the goddess of life as she waded through her field of lilies.

Ever since the remnants returned to the Lifestream, Sephiroth wondered why Aerith kept them around. He knew they were of himself, but he also knew that Hojo created them for his own maliciousness. In the god's eyes, the remnants were just vessels for destruction. However, Aerith just turned her bright green gaze to him and he suddenly could feel again. Her kind and patient smile somehow calmed the dark and forboding torment that caged his heart. It clenched his chest in a way that could never be mended.

She seemed to notice his pupils slit more, because her hand was now set on his cheek and calming his aching heart. Compared to his ice cold skin, hers was warm and softer than the flowers she grew. "It's not their fault that they're weapons. They're lost. And need guidance. They look up to you because you are basically their father."

The god of death huffed harshly before pulling away from her and facing away. He was angry. Hojo created these things just to lure him out and restart the end of the world. And Aerith loved them still. They called her mother. They seemed so happy to be around her while they looked upon the old war hero in wonder. It made him sick. They were not meant to exist. They were wrong.

But Aerith still cared. Why?

She smiled as Loz gifts her flowers from her own gardens. Smiled when Kadaj presented his new fighting skills. Smiled when Yazoo played the violin. Despite being monsters, they were just mere children learning about the world. She loved them, he could tell. And she loved him as well. Even after he had killed her.

He didn't understand her. Not at all. But she showed him neverending patience. Love. It made his chest ache. Made his heart clench. Made him want to choke on his own blood again.

"You're always welcome to join us." Aerith's voice reached his pointed ears finally, making him nearly cough in his drowning thoughts.

He watched as she gathered up more flowers into her flower basket. He watched as she got up and dusted herself off, taking the flowers inside of her cottage. He listened as he heard the remnants greet her. He listened to them laugh.

He was about to turn away before he just stood there and sighed. He made the conscious decision to just sit there in the same room and just watch them.

He was met with more kindness when he stepped into the cottage. Loz was hidden behind Aerith's one white wing as Kadaj held a flame in one hand. Yazoo sat by himself, braiding his long hair in silence; adding flowers in occasionally.

He nearly walked back out when Aerith gently calmed Loz and Kadaj with kind words. But he stayed because of what she said. They were lost. Like he was.

He stayed as she smiled at him, making his heart clench so hard he nearly cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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