♡︎ { One - Shot } ♡︎

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✰{ Hello everyone! I would like to say, this book is NOT  a Marcus Baker One-shots book. The first chapter has been a bit delayed, so i thought i would write a quick one-one to keep you waiting. A headcannon's chapter will be out next. <3 }✰

It had been nearly two hours since Arizona had snuck into Marcus's bedroom. Marcus had led Arizona to a closed skatepark.

Smoke blew out of Arizona's mouth as she spoke to Marcus, her back resting on the back of the house. The two have been talking since 12 in the morning, it was nearly 3 now. In all honesty, Arizona couldn't get enough of Marcus. 

"You're going hurt yourself," Ari chuckled, a smile on her face while she watched Marcus attempt one of the ramps at the skatepark. 

"You have zero hope in me." Marcus replies. He wasn't looking in Ari's direction, he was focusing on trying to... well, survive this ramp. It wasn't too bad, he's just never rode a ramp before. 

"Mm—hmm, and how many times have you done this?" 

"Everyday, isn't that obvious?" 

Arizona laughs, taking a hit of the blunt Marcus had given her. Blowing out the smoke, Arizona partly opens her eyes to watch the teenage boy.

"Shit—" A curse merely passes Marcus's lips as he nearly falls face first. He catches himself, taking a few big steps before standing up straight.

"Ha!" Ari laughs, pointing at him and standing up to walk over to him, "I told you!"

"Hey, i didn't hurt myself... i just, uh, tripped. Yeah, i tripped." 

Ari chuckles through her nose, looking down at her feet where his skateboard was.

"How do you even ride on'a these?" She asks, crouching down and moving the skateboard left and right with her hand. "Is it easy?"

Marcus chuckles, crouching down to her level and taking her hand to pull her up. "I can show you." 

Arizona's eyes lighten,  she nodded with a smile. "Okay," 

Marcus instructs her to step on the skateboard, she was hesitant at first but Marcus whispered a reassuring, "You got it," that helped her step onto it confidently. 

"I've got you, don't worry." He whispers, holding both her hands once she stepped on the skateboard with her two feet.

Arizona balances herself, well, tried to at least, and looses her breath when she nearly falls. 

Marcus's hand falls, almost instantly, to Ari's hip, one hand was still holding her own. "See? I told you i got you." 

Ari lets out a relieved sigh and turns her head to look at Marcus. She slightly smiles and looks back at her feet. "What do i do now?" 

"Well," He takes a deep breath, stepping to the side of the skateboard. His hand still on her waist and holding her hand. "Start by pushing your foot off the ground." 

"Once you... get it there." He smirks.

Ari chuckles, setting her dominant foot on the ground. 

"Good, now push." He instructed. Marcus had his eyes on Arizona, watching her face and how it reacted to everything he did, how he touched her, how he spoke to her, everything. "Very softly." He whispers.

The teenage girl softly pushes off the ground with a blush on her face and butterflies storming over her stomach. The way he spoke to her was so... well, she didn't even know how to describe it. And the way his hand so smoothly glided over her waist... it was enough for her knees to go weak.

"Like that?" She said, looking up to find him already looking at her. Ari smiled slightly, not being able to do much more. Marcus had brought a smile of his own to his face, matching hers.

"Yeah," He breathed as the slowly glided (and walked) in a, somewhat, straight and smooth manner.

"God, this is so scary." Arizona chuckled, squeezing Marcus's hand. He laughs. 

"You'll get it soon enough." 

"Can i just get down now?" 

Marcus breaths out a chuckle, bringing the skateboard to a stop with his foot. "Sure."

Arizona takes a deep breath before cautiously stepping off the skateboard with one foot first, As she brings her other foot to the ground, she nearly twists her ankle. This resorting in her falling into the teenage boy, who was trying his best to help her get off the skateboard.

A gasp left Ari's mouth before landing in Marcus's arms. 

"Shit—" She muffled into his shirt, trying to regain her balance. 

The two look up (and down) at each other, a smile suddenly forming one another's faces. 

"Hi..." Ari gushes, red warmth covering her cheeks.

"Howdy, neighbor." Marcus replies with a sheepish grin.

The End.

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