Forgotten Memories

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Y/N: Hey no fair Fritz!

Fritz: I won Fredbear fair and square. Unless you have something more to offer, I won't give this to you.

Y/N: But-

Fritz: No buts. Tell you what, beat me in a game of hide and seek and then I'll give you Fredbear. Deal?

Y/N: You're not lying right?

Fritz: I'd never lie to my bestie.

Y/N: Ok then. I'll count to ten.

Fritz: Good luuuuuck!

Y/N: One...two....three...I-is someone crying?

The child walks aimlessly around the diner trying to find the source of the noise. They walked towards a staff only door and noticed that someone was trapped inside.

Y/N: Hello? Is someone in there?

???: Oh thank god someone came by! Please let me out! It's scary in here! They're gonna eat me! I don't want them to get me!

Y/N: Hold on I'll get you out.

The child opens the staff only door hoping that they wouldn't get into any trouble. A boy full of tears rushes out of the room and suddenly turns to push the door close. The boy suddenly collapsed and started to bawl all over their blue shorts and stripped shirt.

Y/N: What happen? How did you get in there?

???: My brother locked me in there with t-t-the monsters...

Y/N: What monsters?

The boy points at the posters of Fredbear and Springbonnie.

???: Him. I saw him eat one of the adults. He uses their bodies to walk around and trap other kids. They don't know it but I've seen him do it.

Y/N: Hey hey calm down. Maybe you were seeing things?

???: I couldn't have! I know what I saw!

Y/N: I get it ok?

???: I'm's just these last few days I've been getting bullied by my brother and his friends.

Y/N: Your brother doesn't happen to be one of the teenagers with the new Fredbear and Friends masks are they?

???: The guy with the Foxy mask is my brother. My dad let them have early designs of what is gonna be sold here.

Y/N: Those guys are jerks! No wonder why your so afraid. My friends Fritz and I were having fun when they came and took our pizza away from us. We spent so much time on our lemonade stand just to buy the mega size for her birthday.

???: Sorry for his behavior. But I can't control it. He's so much more reinter and better than me.

Y/N: Oh no I completely-

Fritz: Forgot about me? I know ya did you big jerk.

Fritz punches the child's shoulder and walks towards the boy on the ground.

Fritz: Who are you?

???: E-Evan...

Fritz: Well then Evan, since you kept my friend here instead of letting them play hide and seek I'm gonna have to punish you by beating you up.

Evan: W-wait?!

Y/N: Hold on Fritz! He was trapped by his brother in here. I heard him crying for help so I came to the rescue.

Fritz: Why would your brother do that?

Y/N: His brother is one of the jerks who stole your pizza.

Fritz: Those guys?! Ugh I hate those guys! Showing off their cool new Fredbear and Friends masks while pushing others around! Adam!

Tomboy Foxy the Pirate x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now