Ch.6 -Too Hot-

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June 21st, 2013

Diary, there comes a time in every boy's life when he is faced with the question, "Do you want to play a game?"

Now, you could either say:  

"Yes, sure. What game?" 
"No thanks." 
Or even just 
"What game?"

I should've known that this game would be no ordinary game. Especially if this goes down on the first date. This game would be special in some sort of way to impress someone, at least that's what I think, so you'd want to play out of the fun of it or you just like the person. Me, dumb as a door nail, says something like: "um...ok."

Of course, this would only make sense if I back tracked a little bit. A couple of hours ago I went on a date. Not just any date! A date with Alejandro! The Greek god from above! He texted me details last night when and where we should go on a date, stuff like that, so I had time to arrange some things and get ready. So of course, I had to tell Ariel about this so she could help me calm down. You know, normal girl things. (Gag!) She was upset at first but quickly got over it to help me. Demetrius was oblivious to all of this because (thankfully) he was out all day hanging out with some old friends. Around 6 o'clock Kenny took me to the place Alejandro had in mind and we met up there. It was a nice little date thing, we talked about somethings, and started to walk to his house. His parents weren't home but for some reason I felt safe with him. We were just talking about ourselves (mostly me) until Alejandro decided to play the game.

"Do you wanna play a game?"

The original question I have been dreading and droning on about since the beginning.


Alejandro smiled. "The game is called Too Hot. It's a game where two players kiss without stopping and touching each other. If one player touches the other, s/he loses. The winner gets to do whatever s/he wants to the loser."

The game sounded like a disaster waiting to happen on my part because 1) I don't know if I have any kissing skill and 2) I have terrible balance. So naturally I said....

"Sure. Lets play."

Is it really my fault that I ended up playing this game? Yes. Did I know I was going to lose the game inevitably? Yes. But, did I want to fucking kiss Alejandro? Hell yes! Alas, I didn't last very long and ended up loosing. My worst fear and greatest desire had come true. Alejandro could do whatever he wanted to me , on the dirt date I might add, and I could say nothing against because I'm idiot lover-boy who said yes. Now! Yet again, words have failed me because under those skilled lips and hands I could say absolutely nothing. At a loss of words.

So, in honor of this momentous occasion I have marked what Alejandro the Sexy has done to me , Tyler the Great, on the Georgia Nicholson Scale:

The Snogging Scale:

1/2. Sticky Eyes

1. Holding Hands

2. Arm Round

3. Goodnight Kiss

--->4. Kiss Lasting Over 3 Minutes, Without a Break

4 & 1/2. Hand Snogging

--->5. Open Mouth Kissing

--->6. Tongues

6 & 1/2. Ear Snogging

--->6 & 3/4. Neck Nuzzling

7. Upper Body Fondling - Outdoors

--->8. Upper Body Fondling - Indoors (In Bed)

--->9. BWA - Below Waist Activity

10. The Full Monty

I have absolutely no certain way of knowing how this game works because I was defiantly "Too Hot". By the time Alejandro's parents got home I was sure he was ready to do "The Full Monty". I was terribly bothered and hot when Kenny and Robbie picked me up.

"Well, isn't someone a bit sticky." Robbie commented with a giggle.

Kenny rolled his eyes, "Could you be any more inappropriate?"

"You act like you haven't been bothered and flustered before in your life. It looks like he just shagged Alejandro not less than five minutes ago."

Kenny punched Robbie in the arm at the stop light then looked at him. "Just because he's flushed like that doesn't mean he shagged Alejandro. He doesn't fancy a bum all the time like you, Robbie! Besides, he's like 13."

"That doesn't mean anything and that hurt you dick!" He said rubbing his sore arm. "Being 13 doesn't stop anyone. It certainly didn't stop you."

Kenny moved ahead once the light went green. "Oh my god, Robbie, we are not going to have this conversation right now."

Basically the whole car ride went like that but the only thing I'm concerned with is the future. For example, What the fuck is going to happen on the second date?


Sorry about being late on chapter 6. Hope you liked it. :)

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