Chapter 1: Arriving to Japan

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An: So I change Ren's younger brother to his younger sister

At nighttime, Ren and his little sister Aiden were riding in the train heading home, his little sister head resting on Ren's shoulder and Ren were looking at his phone showing a picture of his best friend\crush Cate Randa

Ren's thoughts: is it weird to look at her picture? I think it is

He switches off his phone and then looks at the window then the train starts to go off balance, everyone screams and wakes up Aiden. The train tip over the track and the front train been cut off and goes over the track the other half where Ren and Aiden was were hanging off the track, people fall out and died, Aiden falls and Ren called her name

Ren: Aiden!!

He grab Aiden hand from falling as Ren held on the poll

Aiden: Ren!! Don't let me fall!

Ren: I won't! Just hang on!

Ren's hand start to sweat and losing the grip of his little sister hand

Aiden: brother!!

His sister hand slip and falls, she screams and he shout

Ren: No!!

He let go and fall to get her, as that happened the ground start to form, his sister disappear and he fallen in the strange place like rocks

Ren: Aiden! Sister! Where are you?!

His voice echo the dark void, he turn around and saw a cliff then something burst through under the rocks with yellow flame, then something came out from it, a huge black monster with spikes on its back, it was glowing blue just like it's eyes

His voice echo the dark void, he turn around and saw a cliff then something burst through under the rocks with yellow flame, then something came out from it, a huge black monster with spikes on its back, it was glowing blue just like it's eyes

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It roared furiously, facing him as its huge hands with fire approached him after that he woke up from his...strange sleep. He's on the plane heading to Japan with his sister and best friend Cate. Aiden sat where the window is, Cate sat at the right and Ren at the middle. He saw them were sleeping. he shake off the dream he saw and waited


As a few minutes pass the pa systems dings and the flight attendant speaks in Japanese

Aiden and Cate woke up and stretched

Aiden: Are we there yet?

Ren: seems so sis

As Cate unbuckled her seat belt, she was about to get up but Ren grab her hand and she look at him confused

Ren: we have to wait

They look forehead and saw two people in a white biohazard suit and spare some white smoke

Ren: I read that it's all about giving us the illusion of safety. Like spraying us for any parasite would help prevent another monster attack which I find that odd

Cate just stare forward without saying anything, he saw she start to breathe rapidly so he gentle had his fingers by her face and make her face him, she gasps as she gave him

Ren: it's okay I'm here with you

Cate: okay..

After that they got up and got their belongings, and now they were walking forward. After that they went to the booth and Ren gave his sister, Cate and His passports to the airport lady. She checks it and looked at Ren and Cate

?: what is the purpose of your visits to Japan?

Cate: Um.. (Chuckle) My father died recently, and I'm selling his affairs. So business, I guess. Family business.

?: And what about your boyfriend?

Ren and Cate blush by that as she about to say something, Ren spoke up

Ren: family business as well for fun

Aiden: I wanted Gojo anime figure

The lady chuckle: okay

She check a few things

?: Place your fingers on the glass plates, please

Ren: ladies first

Cate giggled and went to the glass plates and look forward as the camera took a picture. Ren and Aiden did the same and the lady used a stam on the passports that mark Apr 1 2015 and she gives it back

?: I'm sorry for your loss, and have fun


They are now outside of the airport and Ren raises his hand and a taxi stops in front of them. The driver opens the truck and Ren puts their stuff in and closes the truck. As they went in the taxi, Cate gives the driver a paper

Cate: take us to this address, please

Driver: sure thing

He started driving, passing through the highway and into a city, Aiden were amazed watching the buildings

Aiden: I can't wait to go to the famous anime store

Ren: I'm sure you will sis, after we might get some ramen ya?

Aiden: Ya!

Cate chuckles as she watches Ren and Aiden bonding, she couldn't help but think what that woman said 'boyfriend' she hasn't thought about him as that but it started to grow. Ren look forward and saw missiles on a small bridge

Ren: Damn.. They must of prepared

Driver: The government is spreading lots of money. Missiles, drones. Are you two in the trade?

Cate: The trade?

Driver: Monster prep. Big business now

Ren: I see

Cate: People always find a way to profit off someone else's tragedy

Driver: More profit than tragedy

Ren: What do you mean?

Driver: San Francisco was a hoax. They did it with CGI

Cate: Well, um, that's quite a revelation

Aiden: But we was there when we saw-

Ren: What do you think about levi?

Aiden blush: not cool big brother!

Driver: There's more. I have a podcast


After a long drive they got out of the taxi and got their stuff. Cate looked at the paper as she looked forward, they went inside and into the elevator and it stopped on number 4. They got out and Cate phone ring and she answers it

Cate: Hi. Mom

She walked to the right and Ren and Aiden follows as she talking to her mom on the phone

Ren: sis you can't tell anyone what we saw that day

Adien: why? Everyone saw it was real right. It even look at three of us and hasn't done anything to us

Ren: I know but some people won't think it's friendly. For now let anyone thing it's fake until the day is right

Aiden smirk: you sound so weird big brother, what Cate did to you?

Ren: ?! N-nothin, Go think about Levi or Gojo

Adien: maybe I will

As they reached the last door, Cate froze as she inserted the key in the keyhole, Ren rested his hand on her shoulder and she looked at him, he nodded and she smiled and nodded back. She look at the key and twist it and the door unlocked, she twist the door knob and she open the door

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