Chapter 4: Unknown Secrets

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After a few minutes, a sound came up and everyone for up, Kentaro mother looked at Cate, Ren and Aiden

Kentaro mother: See? All clear

She helped Cate up and Ren, Aiden and Kentaro stand up, they walked out the train station and walked on the road. After a few minutes of walking there was silent until Ren spoke

Ren: So, Everything just goes back to normal?

Kentaro: What should we do? Run home and hide in the closet

Ren, Aiden and Cate stop, Ren looks at Kentaro as Kentaro keeps walking. Kentaro's mother stopped and talked to her son in Japanese. He stops, turns around and comes back. She speaks to her son and he sigh and look at Cate

Kentaro: She's asking if you guys can come and have tea and talk about you guys lives

Cate look at Kentaro mother as she does the same to Cate

Cate: That's very kind, and you can tell her I'm saying whatever you want right now. But I can't imagine anything I'd like to do less than have tea with the woman was cheating on my mom with

Kentaro mother nods and look at her son

Kentaro: Wah. Well, from our perspective, your mother was the other woman

Cate held Aiden's hand: That's fair. We're gonna go now. The other woman's gonna have a lot of questions

Kentaro: Did you two get the answer?

Ren: huh?

Kentaro look at Ren: You guys flew halfway around the world looking for something *take out keys* or what these unlock. And all you guys found was sad was apparently a lying assholes

Aiden with a confusing look: assholes?

Ren's eyes widen and he kneels down and looks at Aiden: Don't say that. It's bad for your age

She nodded and He stood up and looked at Kentaro: we came here to.. Find something and have fun, since this country is what anime happened

Kentaro: if that's the case, I wanna show you two something

Ren: What about my sister?

Kentaro mother: i..I can take her to Ami Ami to see what she wants

Aiden eyes beam in excitement: anime store? Yayy can I go with her big brother?

Ren: okay.. Just stay close to her ok?

Aiden: Yay!


After that, Kentaro make Ren and Cate follow him to a building, they went in a room that looks like an office

Cate: Okay.

Kentaro: Look around

Cate and Ren shared eye contact and then they went separate. As Cate is talking to her brother. Ren just roams and looks at something like a blueprint that is on the wall, he stares to pace it with his hand and he felt something off. He pull down the blueprint and behind it was a safe

Kentaro: Hey!

Ren turns around and looks at Kentaro: what? I found something

Cate and Kentaro walked closely

Cate: Did you know this was here?

Kentaro: I didn't know it was there

Cate press the numbers from the keypad

Kentaro: What are you doing?

Cate: What's your birthday?

Kentaro: stop doing that

Cate looked at Kentaro: I thought you wanted to introduce me to your dad. Show me something I didn't know about him

As Cate is talking to Kentaro, Ren has an idea and he presses the numbers and it ends up opening. Cate and Kentaro looked at Ren confused

Kentaro: How did you do that?

Ren: I put my birthday in.. Huh how odd is that

He open it and they saw a bag, Ren grab it and pull it out from the safe and looks at it

Cate: it smells like fish

Ren goes by the table and unzips the bag, he throws out what was inside and what came out as a bunch of tapes and a book. But as he looked at the bag, something caught his eyes. Kentaro and Cate looks at him confused

Cate: Ren? You're okay?

Ren looked at the bag and saw a symbol of an hourglass but turned sideways. A flashback happened. He saw he's walking in the woods as he saw an open field, he saw a huge boat and got turned over by something called a dragon. He was surprised and he took out his book and read it. It was an Ion Dragon. He saw three people. Two males and one female were running away from it. He put hIs book in his bag and leaped far and landed in behind them and roared at the Ion Dragon. It backed down and flew away. As he turns around to see the others okay, he got a closer look at them, they were hiding in a hole in the ground.

??: Hey, thank you for. Saving us from a dragon

The man on the left spoke and Ren nodded: your welcome and that thing is a Ion Dragon, very harmful.

The woman at the middle were starstruck, she was impressed how he roared at the Ion Dragon and it left

??: W..Who are you?

Ren look at the gorgeous woman at the middle who asked, he smile at her and said: my name is Ren von Knights..

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