Chapter 09 : The couple fluff

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Junkookie jimin said looking at jungkook, keeping his head on jungkook's chest. Jungkook hummed pausing the movie which was playing on the tv and looked at jimin who was pouting. Yes baby jungkook replied looking at jimin. Can I ask you a question kookie Jimin asked. Yes baby of course tell me what is it ? Jungkook asked caressing jimin's hair. Why do you love me kookie jimin asked making jungkook frown. What type of question is this baby jungkook questioned placing a peck on jimin's forehead.

Telll mee pwease kookie jimin whined. Okay I will answer your question but first you tell me why do you love me hyung jungkook questioned making jimin frown and break into a small protest saying "Not fair kookie I asked you first hmph" Jimin said sitting upright folding his arms around his chest. I love you because you are the purest soul, the prettiest person, the most caring person I have ever met, I just just cant stop myself from loving you hyung I cant and never will jungkook whispered seductively pulling jimin towards him again.

Jungkook placed a kiss on jimin's forehead when he seen jimin's teary eyes. I can show you how much I Love you hyung should I jungkook asked smirking leaning closer to jimin. Jimin punched jungkook's chest sofly hiding his all so red face, whinning. Jungkook chuckled watching jimin blush, but he was caught offgaurd when jimin suddenly pecked his lips saying thank you kookie for loving me. I will always baby jungkook said pulling jimin into a long passionate kiss. Now shall we continue watching the movie jungkook asked letting out a giggle making jimin nod and snuggling into jungkook continuing to watch movie.

The movie went on, the couple was lying on the bed all cuddled up, placing soft kisses on jimin's head every now and then. It was a good movie wasn't it hyung ? jungkook asked as soon as the movie ended, but broke out into a wide smile realising his hyung had passed out during the movie. Goodnight hyung jungkook said making jimin lie on the bed, placing a kiss on jimin's forehead. Jimin whined at loss of heat he got from jungkook and whispered "kookie". Here baby here jungkook said lying down next to jimin pulling jimin closer to him. Soon both drifted off to sleep.

Mmmm jimin whined since his beauty sleep was getting disturbed by the sunlight penetrating through the window. Kookie jimin whispered when he realised jungkook was not besides him on the bed. Kookie kookie jimin shouted and rushed to the bathroom to check if jungkook was there. Was it all a dream, jungkook proposing me ? us watching movie togather ? jimin whispered to himself sitting on the edge of the bed, messing his head up in frustration letting his tears fall down.

Baby I am back, see what I got jungkook said entering their room with a bag in his hand. His smile soon collapsed as soon as he seen jimin in a messed up state, he kneeled down in front of jimin and took his small hands in his larger ones. Kookie where did you go jimin said hitting jungkook's chest, wiping his tears harshly. Baby why are you crying but jungkook said wiping jimin's tears, caressing his cheeks. I thought it was all a dream jimin whispered pulling jungkook into a kiss.

Baby you really thought It was all a dream, me proposing and us getting into a relationship, watching movie together and our kisses Jugkook teased letting out a laugh after they pulled apart from the kiss. Its not funny kookie I was scared jimin said pouting. I am sorry baby It is all because of jin hyung he forced me to go to supermaket with him, so on the way back I bought your favorite cake from your favorite bakery see jungkook said showing the bag of cake to jimin. Wahhh thankssss jimin said hastily unpacking the box and shoved the cake into his mouth. You eat like a little baby hyung jungkook said chuckling wiping some chocolate which jimin somehow got it on his nose.

Thank you for the cake kookie this is the best morning of my life jimin said happily. Jimin you have chocolate all around your mouth jungkook said kneeling down in front of him and licked all the chocolate off jimins lips softly. It is the best morning of my life too hyung jungkook whispered in jimin's ear making jimin shy. I am going for a bath jimin said hastily getting up from the bed heading towards the bathroom. We can have a bath together baby jungkook said backhugging jimin. No I am going for a bath alone jimin said rushing into the bathroom letting out giggles making jungkook's heart melt and make him fall harder for his hyung.  

The end

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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