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His eyes with no light tell her a story that the soul has lived, and the heart carries with it.

Author's POV

Silence a complete silence had fallen on the hall and she could even hear the chirping of birds outside in the garden, having the lack of courage inside her in gazing at those eyes of her husband. All she did was gaze down at the immaculate white marble floor, which looked as though it had been mopped at least ten times a day.

And in the next spur of the moment a laugh in the hall echoed and she looked up to discover her children laughing their head off and a smile made its way on her lips and then her gaze met with Arjun who had an unreadable expression look on his face. He looked calm, reserved maybe an announcement of an upcoming storm.

She gulped down hard and glanced at him from head to toe, drenched completely from the cold milk as she had splashed it all over on Arjun in a fit of rage. She blinked nervously and rubbed her nape in uneasiness.

"Care to Eloborate this childish act of yours". He said in a firm tone and looked at her for an explanation. The words hung in her throat for a moment.

"Your parents taught you to be confident until you haven't done anything wrong". She reminded herself and fisted her hands.

"Your parents taught you to be confident not over-confident". Her inner conscience said in a mocking tone.

"Mr Singhania It's not a childish act. It is essentially referred to as Karma. With a strange look on her face, she attempted to prove her naivety by giving him this brief explanation.

Since karma holds that "everything you do comes back to you," Arjun was the one who never believed in it. But the bitter truth is the worst time of people usually live the longest, the most horrible tend to preach about being good people.

The person who owns many facade have the most respect, The evils have disguised themselves as gentlemen but nothing terrible is happening with them so then why Karma chose to snatch away his only happiness when he had never done any sin or never hurt someone the way he was hurt.Why

The sound of no one being there for him, the sound of eerie nothingness engulfing the air, the sound of no one even bothering to care, the sound of wind blowing everything away.

The sound of being left alone, the sound of trying not to cry, the sound of wishing he could die, the sound was silent, soft yet shrill was stabbing his heart mercilessly.

Sometimes, he desired to feel emotions but everytime he just find himself shackled with his fears. He might look like sharp knife from outside which is capable of pouring blood, but from inside he was like a broken mirror. He was the beautiful shattered pieces of a broken mirror.

And there his wife, whenever she thought about her husband, her curiousity just became more profound. She tried to find answers of her questions but in return she used to get more and more questions. Everytime she saw something different in his eyes.

Sometimes, it was never ending misery, sometimes rage, sometimes kindness and most of the times that blank page emotion.

But she had never seen happiness, love, satisfaction, hope and dream in his eyes. She used to wonder why these emotions were never visible in his eyes? Why he was so silent like there was no music or sound left in his soul?

As she heard the phone ringing and found her husband was on the phone. The deep lines of seriousness had formed on his glassy forehead and at the last he just mumbled I'm coming.

She felt a sharp feeling of pain in her heart and she couldn't make the sense of this sudden restlessness as she wanted him to stop, to stay with his family for few more minutes but she couldn't bring herself to say and her hands which were in the air to stop him were automatically returned back to their previous place.

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