☽ Chapter Seven ☾

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"𝖄ou and Lunaan seem pretty close lately.", Aurelius' voice echoed from the cold marble walls of his hall. "As you know it has always been hard for me to connect with our other fellows. Blood and war is not a characteristic to like. So I'm glad to have built up a relationship." Aristaeus gave the sun god a little cheeky grin and fastened the button of his sleeve. Lunaan and Aristaeus had started talking after the last meeting thirty years ago. They both were in need of another existence to talk to. And it all started with Lunaan complimenting blood in the moonlight. "Although my heart remains pacifistic I may have to say that blood looks beautiful shimmering in my moonlight, Aristaeus."

The god of blood and war was surprised by this interaction and soon they started meeting in Cafes to talk. At this time Earth seemed more peaceful than ever. Rarely wars broke out and if they were solved fast.

"...I find myself captivated and undecided between the existence of love and the influence of the moon orchestrating the depths of the boundless waters." "Maybe you should ask the young god Silthos, the grandson of Aurelius. He surely can give you a good answer on this, oh wisest of all wise.", Aristaeus said with a wink. Lunaan looked at him with his cold clear blue eyes. "He is a god to be pitied... steering one of the most powerful emotions known to exist." "You think so? In my opinion, hate has a far greater impact. It acts like poison to people... damaging and controlling their mind." A smile appeared on the lips of Lunaan. "And what gives birth to hate, jealousy, pain, and anger? Which emotion poisons the heart and commands the mind, driving people to madness?" Again Aristaeus was impressed by the carefully chosen words of Lunaan. Maybe he really was the wisest of all wise. The god of the moon was again right. "Love."

"Why did you call me, Sir?" The sun god walked to a table with a bucket filled with a white liquid. "I see your impact on Earth and your power, but I think something is holding you back, Aristaeus." The god of blood and war raised his eyebrow. "War is something that should be held back wisely, no matter how much I appreciate the view of blood spread over bodies-" "We will recreate the world." "What..." Aristaeus remembered the face of Lunaan before his eyes, how lovely he watched humanity become stronger and peaceful. Every day he excitedly waited to finally rise on the horizon. And now it all should be reset just by a second? "Humanity has failed us. They forgot who thanked them for all this. They forgot to be grateful. They forgot about us. They forgot about Xyliath." Aristaeus widened his eyes and felt anger growing up in his veins. All this should be shattered because of that? "Aurelius. You went mad." He stepped closer to the sun god who still seemed to wash his hands in the liquid, his back turned to the god of blood and war. "Just because they don't pray to us anymore doesn't mean they forgot about us! Every human life has its purpose... they live happily and peacefully, more than us even!" "Are these your words or the words of a traitor like Lunaan?" He had stopped washing his hands. "You went mad! I'm not gonna vote for destroying a humanity that is worth it-" In a second the sun god had turned around burying his flaming fist into the chest of Aristaeus. The smell of burning flesh and skin surrounded them mixing with blood. Black blood flowed from the wound, evaporating right on the stop which made a hissing sound. Aristaeus tried to break free, he felt Aurelius breaking through his thorax searching for his most vulnerable part. His heart. But the sun god held him tightly and Aristaeus' power left his body as the pain took control of every muscle. "Stop... Aurelius... stop this-" He had reached his heart, burning its flesh, stopping it from pounding ever again. Crucially Aurelius' hand left his body and Aristaeus dropped onto his knees. Black blood was painting the floor, dropping from the wound and his lips. He stared at it, asking himself if he could write with the liquid like it was just black ink. Aristaeus wanted to scream, cry or laugh. But no emotion reached his eyes or lips. His chest felt empty. He was empty. His heart had stopped and so humanity ended for the first time.

"Get him! Get him!" The loud chanting of the crowd blocked the ugly sounds of fists colliding. Aristaeus was bloody, yet he still grinned at his opponent with red teeth. The huge man looked like he would fall over any moment with a bleeding head and several punches to his gut. "Come on! Is that all you got?", Aristaeus screamed over the people and provoked the man further. He wanted more pain. More blood. He couldn't deal with anything else or he might go insane. The fighter flared his nostrils like an angry bull and ran up at Aristaeus with full speed. The god didn't block the punches. He simply let them rain down on him and concentrated on the pain completely. That was until he felt something else. It had such intensity, that the man became numb to the punches. The pain of a god. And it was stronger than anything he ever felt before. Aristaeus bit his teeth together and suddenly attacked. It only took a punch to completely knock the giant out. The crowd was cheering, money was traded to the winners of the bets and thrown into the cage. But all Aristaeus could think of was the gods' pain. Aristaeus didn't even remember how he left the cage. But when he was outside he started to run as fast as he could towards the aching. A voice inside of him knew whose pain it was and it scared him even more to know that he cared so much.

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