catnap x Bobby bearhug lemon

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This take place alternate universe were Susie was turn into smiling critter as a child and grew up as smiling critters and she have a crush on catnap as a kid.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: hey Bobby bearhug what do you want to talk to me about and why did want me to meet you on roof of poppy playtime factory

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: well Catnap I want to be alone with you and we can look at the pretty night sky catnap .

Catbap/ Theodore pov: yes Bobby bearhug the night sky look pretty.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie kiss catnap/ Theodore on lips and catnap/ Theodore kiss her back on the lips too.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: catnap you actually love me.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: yes bobby bearhug I do love and this why you ask me come up here to kiss me.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: you actually love me yay.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: yes do you want to going stay up little bit more.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: let stay up here for while hope the other not worry about us how long we have be gone.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: do you want to get marry together.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yes! Would marry you.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: really! Do you want to make out and see if it possible to have kid together.

Lemon starting right now

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yes and get over here.

As Bobby bearhug/ Susie pounce on to catnap/ Theodore and started to make out with him without a care in the world.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: wow getting right into it I like it.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yes catnap I know your real name Theodore.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: you remember my old name when we're young human.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yes catnap let see if it possible to have kids as plushies.

So Bobby bearhug/ Susie started to ride catnap/ Theodore member.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: ah ah ah yes go deeper catnap make into a mother of your if it is possible to have one.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: okay Bobby bearhug or Susie I go faster and deeper for you my love.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: you remember my old name too and ahh that feel great.

Catnap/ Theodore went faster and deeper he about to hit his limit and release his seed into bobby bearhug/ Susie entrance.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: Bobby bearhug I about to release my seed inside you get ready.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yes catnap make into your kids mother.

That when catnap release his inside Bobby bearhug/ Susie entrance.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: that was great.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yes that was great.

End of lemon

Hoppy hopscotch show up and see what and leave instantly.

Hoppy hopscotch pov: guys are you okay.

Catnap/ Theodore and Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: what Hoppy hopscotch it not what it look like.

Hoppy hopscotch pov: oops didn't know finally did it sorry.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: that is so the most embarrassing.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: yeah I'm have agree with you on that and I hope hoppy hopscotch don't everyone what we did.

Everyone pov: what they finally did it.

Dogday pov: I knew it catnap love Bobby bearhug but making with her that even shock me.

Kickin chicken pov: never knew catnap finally do it.

Bubba bubbaphant pov: yeah I never knew he love Bobby bearhug.

Crafty corn pov: hope decided to get married together.

Picky piggy pov: are you sure saw it correctly.

Hoppy hopscotch pov: there was seed on ground and both catnap and bobby bearhug blush when i saw them.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: hoppy hopscotch please don't tell me you told the others smiling critters

Hoppy hopscotch pov: I did tell the other smiling critters sorry about that hehehe.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: you did what oh no now they know I love Bobby bearhug.

Dogday pov: well Catnap I knew you love Bobby bearhug and are you going to marry her.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: yes I did ask her to marry and she said yes.

Dogday pov: that great but were you going have your wedding.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: maybe the old game station as that place is big so me and Bobby bearhug have our wedding there.

Dogday pov: okay me and other smiling critters and other toy clear place up.

The wedding was set up.

The prototype pov: catnap do you take Bobby bearhug as your wife.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: I do.

The prototype pov: Bobby bearhug do you take catnap as your husband.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: I do.

The prototype pov: you can now kiss.

Bobby bearhug kiss catnap.

After the wedding Catnap show his house to Bobby bearhug.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: this house look bigger inside.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: yeah I was surprise too see how big it was too.

After 3 months Bobby bearhug belly is little bigger.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: I can't believe I'm pregnant and my belly is getting bigger.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: yeah wife we're going to be great parents.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yeah we are going good parents.

After 6 months Bobby bearhug is giving birth to their one child.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: bobby bearhug you squeezing my hand to hard.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: sorry catnap this is really painful.

After she give birth their baby have Bobby bearhug body and catnap color And his tail and red spots.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: she look pretty.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: yeah she have my body and your color and tail and red spots.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: what should we name her.

Bobby bearhug/ Susie pov: how about Cabby bearnap.

Catnap/ Theodore pov: that sound like a good name for our daughter dear wife.

There over 962 word.

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