Michael , yeah hes Mine

9 2 1

Yes. Michael is mine, As in My Child, hes my son. His Father. Is my so called father. Michael is almost a year old, I had him a month after i turned 18. 

The Lady know as my mother, Didn't believe me when i said that he was the father, She just called me a whore for sleeping with guys from the school saying i was irresistible , and that i deserved it... 

To be Honest i Love Michael, hes my Love and Joy 




and Phillip , 

Are as well, They love him, and i love all of them like i would love any of my 'siblings'

Yes i call them by their real names, I'm not going to call them 




and Johnny 

I need them to always remember their name, So when i escape from here, and take them all home.   They will be okay with their REAL NAME. 

~~~Back in time to a Night before the plane ride to England~~~

 That Night, i remembered the oath i told myself in trying to escape when i was 18 and not scared, 

but i had Mickie, And we were in Cali... And i didn't really know my way around. So instead i'd wait till we went back to England, Which would be Tomorrow because i told them i wanted to study over there...

 A soft Knock was heard upon my door, 

"Come in" i said not being worried on who it would be so late at Night,It was probably one of the girls bring back Michael.  

 Phillip poked his head though my door. "Hey Hali, Th-" i cut him off, "Phillip, You know you don't have to knock , if its late at night, okay now continue " i gave him a smile "Well you know It wasn't just me" Then 3 heads popped in at the crack of my door, I laughed because of how they looked there, I let them in, I wasn't gonna just let them sleep in the last night we were here, Josh, Walked in with Michael in his arms, All of them loved him, 

So We all just spent The night in my room watching T.V , For us being stolen and all, they have pretty good money, I mean my room is a big size my bed fits all 6 of us, 

Yea, we were kidnapped , and the man did things to me... But other then that, They treat us pretty good i guess, i mean , i have a good room , The twins have a good room, Josh and Phillip  do too,

(Room on the side) 

After a good 2 hours, of watching T.V 

Sally, sat up and faced me, "Hali ? "

"Yes" i replied back .

"When will we see our mommy and daddy again? " by this time Nancy was siting up too, And she also looked at me.  "Hali, Will we ever see them again ? " She and her sister, gave me the same big brown eyes, I made them all take out there contacts ,  It was late anyways.   

"Nancy, Sally" I looked at them, "You know we are going to london in the morning and when there i will be going to universtiy , and there i will find Phillip's Mum and Dad.  And then from there i will get josh and you both home." i tried to make sure my tears wouldnt show, i had to be strong for them. 

"Come on kids get back to bed we have to be up early tomorrow" Phillip said . Oh Phillip, always being the father figures to these kids, I think thats why Michael is so attached to him. 

Phillip smiled at me, and mouth something, im sure it was thank you i smiled back . 

time for bed .... 

Later in the Morning ~

*Thumb Thumb Thumb*  Dam that women can sure bang on a door, i shifted off the bed making sure i would wake Mickey or the others and went to go open the doors 

" OH THANK GOD YOU ARE HERE."  said Miranda 

"Yeaa ? why wouldnt i be ? " i replied to her . 

"The others where are they ?" 

"Asleep in here ?"

She walked in to see them all spread over my bed, they looked cute asleep there. I smiled 

she left out a sigh of relief, "you should wake them we have to leave in a bit "   

"Okay... wait what time is it ? " 

"5:30 am" 

ITS TO EARLY TO BE UP. "Oh, okay well i'll wake them" 



Sorry its short i just havent updated and i felt bad , The next one will be more intresting i hope :D <3




Do stuff :D 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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