Chapter 3: Coming together

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Chapter 3: Coming Together

As days turned into weeks, Alex and Ethan's friendship blossomed. They spent their days exploring the city and their nights talking about everything under the sun. Their shared apartment became a home, filled with laughter, music, and the comforting presence of each other.

One evening, after a long day of work, they found themselves on the rooftop of their building, watching the city lights twinkle under the starry sky. Ethan had his violin with him, and he started to play a soft melody that filled the air.

Alex watched Ethan, his heart beating a little faster. He had been feeling something more for Ethan, something beyond friendship. He had been trying to ignore it, afraid it might ruin their friendship. But in that moment, under the stars, he couldn't deny it anymore.

He took a deep breath and turned to Ethan, who had stopped playing and was looking at him. "Ethan," he began, his voice barely above a whisper. "I think... I think I have feelings for you."

Ethan looked at him, surprise evident in his eyes. But then, he smiled, a soft, gentle smile that made Alex's heart flutter. "Alex," he said, reaching out to hold Alex's hand. "I've been feeling the same way."

In that moment, everything fell into place. The city lights seemed to shine a little brighter, the stars seemed a little closer, and their hearts beat in sync. They leaned in, sharing a tender kiss under the starlit sky.

From that night on, they were more than just roommates. They were partners, sharing not just their home but their hearts as well. Their journey had taken an unexpected turn, but it was a turn they were both happy to take.


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