Chapter 1

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    "He went this way, let's look for him," said a guy. "Yeah, he's gonna pay for stealing from us," said another. There were 8 men in total and they were looking for someone who stole a ton of money from them, like $5,000,000.  They seem to be in HIS gang since they had the same tattoos and guns and they were on the same side. They ran down an alleyway to meet the thief. It was a young man who looked to be about 16 years old with short brown hair and a purple hoodie with a yellow hood. All 8 of the men aimed their gun at him. "Any last words, boy?" asked one of them. The thief looked over to see a ladder and  bolted to it, the men started firing at him but they had storm trooper aim so the bullets only grazed the thief a little. Then he ran and jumped from building to building and luckily they were jump able. 

The thief went to some abandoned looking building and walked inside. The building looked very neat on the inside unlike the outside, looks can be very deceiving apparently. It looked like one of those rich people shows you see on TV with mixed with like a man cave. It had really nice decor but nothing too fancy, very light inside There were 6 others inside. "Took ya long enough, Zaw" said a boy with a greenish blue hoodie and black jeans, He had brown curly hair kinda in the shape of an an Afro. "Lay off him, Omar, he went out there knowing our situation" said A little kid years old with medium black hair, brown shorts, and a yellowish T-shirt with a reddish pink star on it. "Sorry Ccino, I was just kinda worried." Zaw looked over to see two people arm wrestling. One was a guy with short red hair who was wearing an army jacket, a silver necklace, and black jeans. He was losing miserably to a girl with shoulder length brown hair, a light green short sleeve off the shoulder top with an adorable little cartoon bear head on it, and jean shorts. "Surely you're stronger than that, Geo" said the girl "Shuddup Jojo" said the boy, exhausted, his face was as red as a tomato. Another girl walked in, She had black hair which was dyed brown at the tips, a yellow jacket without a hood, a brownish yellow crop top with a little black lightning bolt on it, and black jean shorts. "STOP BEFORE YOU GUYS BREAK THE POOL TABLE!" she screamed. "Laila please stop screaming, we might alert someone to our position," said a girl with blonde hair, black thigh high socks, and a long sweater with a pink bow thing on it. "Sorry Annie," said Laila. Omar walked over to Zaw with a first aid kit and sighed "Come here, let me bandage your face up." Omar took out peroxide and dabbed it on Zaw's face a bit and Zaw jumped in pain. "Sorry, sorry. Hold still, I have to put this on or your face will get infected or something." Omar finished up and Zaw nodded in appreciation (Secretly holding back tears). 

Jojo then beat Geo in the arm wrestle and screamed "FUCK YEAH!" Geo was down on his knees defeated. Jojo walked over to where Omar and Zaw were. "I see you brought back a load this time Z" said Jojo as she wrapped her arm around Zaw. "I guess we're gonna be able to leave this dump" Said Geo walking over while holding his arm.  They all cheered besides Zaw and hugged each other. "Wait do you guys hear that?" asked Laila. There was a beeping noise in the bag. "YOOO GUMBALL REFERENCE!" screamed Omar (If you don't know, there was an episode where there was a tracking device in the money). There was a tracking device in the money. "Now that's just dumb also I think the rainbow gang found us. Also, that's a dumb name I mean 'Rainbow gang' Who's dumbass idea was that" said Geo. "You're dumb! Also, it was the boss' dumbass idea" said the tracking device. Geo screamed like a girl and jumped into Jojo's arms. "Baby," said jojo. "Shut up," said Geo. Jojo dropped Geo and he landed on his face. "You can't hide forever, Zaw. We will always end up finding you." Said the voice over the tracking device. Zaw started to sweat nervously as everyone looked at him. "Why did that voice only target you?" asked Ccino. Zaw didn't say anything. "That's not important," said Annie. "We gotta get out of here." They all went to an armory they had in the building. There were all sorts of weapons stolen from the rainbow gang. Swords, Guns, shields, explosives, bats, smoke bombs and even a flamethrower for some reason. Such destructive teens. A bad influence on Ccino who is just 9 years old but then again, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive the rainbow gang. Everyone got a gun besides Ccino, Zaw got a sword since he prefers close range because he can't aim for shit and only uses guns if he has to, while Geo and Jojo got bats  and Geo got the guns and explosives because he loves range and chaos. Annie got the other sword, Ccino got the med kits because he isn't much of a fighter so he carries the essentials, Omar got the food and drinks just in case, and Laila got the smoke bombs. They heard cars pull up outside. "stay quiet," whispered Annie. "THEY'RE STAYING QUIET, GET READY TO STORM THEIR BASE!" Screamed the voice from the tracking device. "how did they know?" whispered Jojo. Geo had the bag of cash. "dammit geo," whispered Omar. "Wait why are we whispering, they know we're here" said Geo. "YEAH, WE KNOW YOU'RE THERE!" screamed the tracking device "SHUT UP!" screamed everyone but Zaw. Then a crying noise came from the tracking device. "We were gonna let you go but now you're screaming at me so no," said the tracking device. "No you weren't" said Laila.  "Yes we were" Said the tracking device. "Stop lying" said Laila. "That's it," Said the tracking device. "WE'RE COMING IN!" The building was then stormed like the F.B.I meme. 

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