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"(Y/N).", her voice struggled to form words that weren't seeping with sorrow and disgust. "You came."

Swallowing hard, you slid off your horse, but did not dare to approach any further.

Dozens of people gathered around the campfire, crying, curling in pain and screaming. It was manifested misery. Some lay in each other's arms while others clutched their guns as if they could make the things that had happened undone.

You looked at Aponi.

She shook her head. One of her hands rose to call you closer. You hesitated, but did as she asked as a stream of thick tears rolled down her cheeks.

The golden light of the fire embraced her face. Her skin seemed ashy, less saturated than it used to be. Her lips trembled even though she cried in absolute silence.

With your eyebrows knitted together you looked at her from top to bottom. It was only then that you noticed that her clothing was covered in blood. Most of it had been washed off but a few drops had stained the fabric.

"What happened?", it slipped off your tongue in a short breath.

"Not here.", she muttered and pulled you along, through rows of tents.

Her breathing was heavy but the way she walked empathised just how much was wrong in that moment. She stumbled over her own feet, a weird thing considering that you had seen her walk lighter than the deep of the forest, sometimes even without leaving footprints.

Now she seemed weak. Injured even. Something had drained her spirit, everything she used to be.

Your fingers wrapped around her hand tighter. She noticed and stopped abruptly. But her back remained facing you.

You stared at her in silence for a moment. She needed the time, obviously, and you did not want to put pressure where it could cause more harm than good.

Her body started to tremble. The grip on your hand tightened so much that it made you fear she wanted to break every small bone she could with raw strength.

"Aponi.", you grabbed her wrist, gentle but dedicated enough to signalise that it hurt.

She let go.

And all of a sudden she broke down, arms wrapped around herself. Tears streamed down her face. Yelps and cries crossed her lips.

Unable to figure out what the proper reaction to this would be you fell to your knees as well and pulled her into a hug.

Without hesitation she dug her nails into your arms and clung to you. She clung to you and cried, so loud so that it made your ears whistle.

You just sat there, allowing her tears to wet your sleeves and her nails to dig so deep into your skin that it drew a little blood.

"There, there...", you whispered, your cheek resting on the top of her head while you caressed her trembling shoulders. "Take your time... it's alright. I'm here."

She cried. She cried and cried until the tears refused to flow and her eyes burned with the same emptiness that ate away at her heart.

You caressed her shoulders.

She sucked in a sharp breath.

"They took us by surprise...", she whispered into the fabric of your clothes. "They killed so many. We couldn't run fast enough..."

Your eyes wandered over the tents. Somehow the tribe felt awfully... empty. Almost as if people were missing.

You frowned.

"Where are the kids?", your voice was hoarse as you asked.

"They... took them...", Aponi wiped her face with the back of her hand. "All that couldn't run fast enough. All that... only could cry..."

Her hand reached down to touch her lower stomach. Fingers curled into the fabric of her dress. She trembled while her eyes just stared into the night.

"Where?", you didn't need to hear anymore.

All you needed was answers.

Sucking in a sharp breath, Aponi shook her head. Now there was nothing but rage burning in those dark eyes of hers.

"Away...", she muttered, teeth clenched. "To make them... I don't know... They would have taken mine too... if they could have..."

Something inside your chest pulled together. It was like nothing you had ever felt before. Almost as if a crack spread through your heart.

Something changed. Everything changed.

Why did the past months bring nothing but change?

The bad kind even.

All at once Charles crossed your mind. Not every change had been bad, you had to admit.

"Your... husband?", you looked at her.

"He was killed.", a sour expression twisted her face.

"And the chief..?"

"He handed himself over. To... make peace."

"That didn't help, I assume."

"No.", her eyes turned even darker than they were before. "They went for the... defenceless first."

A low sound of frustration got stuck in your throat as you listened. Every single word made rage boil up from the pit of your stomach.

"So where did they take the kids?", you asked, nails digging into your knees to keep yourself from bursting out in a fit of rage.

Exhausted, Aponi let her head fall. She sighed so loudly that it made your organs twist and turn.

"School. I don't know... What they called it..."

"Reform schools.", a sour taste spread on your tongue. "They are to... force natives into the ways of the settlers. We might be able to get them back."

"How?", Aponi managed to get back on her feet, dirt and blood sticking to her skin, painting her in a way the settlers would have killed for.

Your hands ran up and down your thighs. Your thoughts ran wild but not a single clear one was good enough to make a good plan.

"I could ask Charles.", you finally said. "He might know more."

Her lips curled.

"Can we trust him?", she asked.

"I trust him. That's all I have.", you locked eyes with her.

She stared at you. So much doubt was shimmering in her eyes. Or perhaps those were tears that she held back. Her fingers clenched into fists.

"If he's all we got...", Aponi agreed.

You nodded, a deep breath escaping your nose.

"I'll come back tomorrow.", you said. "I promise."

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