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╔══《"A haunted house, with a 》══╗
picket fence, to float around, and ghost my friends."

       Váli had quickly forgotten about his injuries. The moment Lucien said his name, he was reassured. Before, he had stressed over whether the two would converse, or simply fall right to sleep.

       Glad that Lucien initiated a conversation, Váli found himself happy that they had at least exchanged pleasantries.

       "Hi," he shyly responded after a couple seconds of silence.

       "Did you shower?" Lucien asked, noticing Vál's dripping hair. It was sopping wet, as he rushed out of the bathroom before he had time to do his night-time routine.

       "Oh yes," he verified, noticing now how he forgot to get ready for bed. "Would you mind if I get ready for bed?" he asked, "I rushed to text back and never got around to doing it."

       "Of course," Lucien smiled, "You don't have to ask, silly." His wide smile was genuine, as he watched Váli, mesmerized. The blonde got up, grabbing his phone as he hobbled to his bathroom. The conversation had died off, but Váli didn't find the silence awkward.

       Upon entering the bathroom, he propped his phone up against the mirror. One by one, he got out product after product from his sink drawers. His voice startling Váli, Lucien spoke, "Woahh. That's a lot of products," he awed.

       "Yeah," Vál muttered. "I take care of my health a lot, it's important to me," he added, trying to be nice.

       "That's so cool, oh my god," Lucien marveled. "You should do them on me one time. Oh my god, we should have a slumber party!" he exclaimed like a little kid, sounding like the smartest man on the face of the Earth.

       Laughing, all Vál could say was "Maybe one day," before trailing off. Gosh I suck so bad at keeping conversation. He cursed at himself.

       "What is each product?" Lucien questioned, genuinely curious.

       "There's a lot...Are you sure you wanna hear about all that nonsense?" Vál puzzled hesitatingly.

       "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to," Luc reassured, "Now come on, you can explain each one as you use it," he smiled. He smiles a lot, Váli noted.

       "First you have to cleanse your face," Vál started, putting a fluffy headband on to protect his hair from the products.

       "Woah, woah, woah–slow down," Lucien interrupted. "What is that," he pointed to the pink headband.

       "A headband, haha," Váli giggled behind his hand. "It keeps everything out of my hair," he elucidated.

       "Ohh, got it, got it," Luc nodded. "You can continue, sorry."

       Vál smiled, "No worries." Picking up where he left off, Váli continued, "So, as I was saying, cleanser comes first. It pretty much gets all the gunk out of your face." Vál glanced down at his phone, noticing the intense and concentrated gaze on Lucien's face. He's really paying attention.

       "There's two types, oil and water based. Oil based ones are usually used first if you have makeup or sunscreen on–or something. Always use a water based cleanser after, though," pausing his discussion, he grabbed his cleanser to show off to the camera.

       "Ohh, okay, I get it," Lucien nodded again, showing he was paying attention to Váli's rant. He watched as Váli warmed the liquid in his hands till it foamed up, then rubbed it all over his face. He was hunched over the bathroom sink, and after scrubbing his skin, he washed it off for a long minute.

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