Chapter 8 - You're My Cinderella (Part 2)

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Hmmm, Ferris wheel? Cliché. Haunted house? Boring. Maybe... "How about that roller coaster?"

Dean tensed up. "U-um, are you s-sure you wouldn't prefer something a little... safer?" His fanfiction green eyes refused to meet mine.

"Are you... afraid of roller coasters?" I bit my lip to hide my amusement. He just looked so adorable when he was scared.

"What? No!" His cheeks went such a bright pink that they could be seen from space. "Well... maybe just a little. Planes too." He cleared his throat and straightened his jacket in an attempt to maintain his look of masculinity. The attempt failed but it was funny to watch.

"Well, Dean whatever-your-middle-name-is Winchester, you said that we could go wherever I want. Well I want you to overcome this fear today so we are going on that roller coaster even if it makes you puke."


Dean POV

Everyone split up to go to different places. Sam and Jess, being the nerdy romantics that they are, went to the Ferris wheel. I didn't see where the rest of them went as I was to busy being dragged to my doom; that huge, speeding, swirling death trap that for some reason is meant as fun. I felt sick already. "You really don't have to do this, Jo. I'm okay."

"Oh no, you ain't wriggling your way out of this one." She gripped my hand tighter and sped up.

We waited in line for about twenty minutes with me almost puking my guts out a few times before we'd even reached the front of the line. My hands were shaking as we sat down next to each other in our seats so I gripped the bar that was pulled down over us to keep us in, my knuckles turning white. "I'm gonna be sick. This thing isn't safe, Jo. This bar won't hold us in. I'd rather be possessed by demons!"

"Calm. Down. Woman up, Winchester."

The roller coaster jolted forward and I shut my eyes immediately. I could feel us moving upward and my stomach dropped. "I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die, then I'm going to crawl out of my grave and take revenge on you." I started humming to take my mind off it all.

"Are you humming Metallica?"

"It calms me down."

"I don't think it's working. But hey, look! We're almost at the top!" Jo nudged me in the ribs but I just closed my eyes tighter. I heard Jo sigh like she'd given up but then I felt something warm on my cheek. It lasted for only a second but it made my eyes fly open and look at Jo, who was moving her face away from mine. She kissed me. It was on the cheek, but she kissed me! "Success! His eyes are open! Thank you, ladies and gentlemen!" She bowed to the people below us like they were an audience.

The next thing I knew we were flying downhill and I was screaming (like a man) with my eyes clamped shut, my stomach very nearly releasing its contents onto unsuspecting passers by.

"Dean! Open. Your. Eyes!" Jo screamed and I tried to open my eyes but it seemed they had plans of their own. "Come on!"

This time it was a feeling on my hand that made me open my eyes. Jo had grabbed it, and in a moment of weakness my hand loosened its grip on the bar and Jo pulled it above our heads while we screamed. I let my other hand slowly release its grip and fly upwards. Jo cheered, her loose, golden hair flying backwards, as I started to smile. I held her hand tighter.



It was a struggle to get our legs and lungs to work as Dean and I stepped out of the roller coaster and onto stable ground. "See?" I panted. "You enjoyed that, didn't you?"

Dean nodded and his tongue darted out to lick his lips before he smiled. With his eyes shining brighter than the stars the freckles on his cheeks resembled, with the little wrinkles that come with genuine smiles on the sides of his eyes, the sun catching the blond in his light brown hair, and his teeth showing in the most endearing way possible while he laughed joyfully, I couldn't stop my self from leaning forward - even with my mind screaming for me to stop - and planting a quick, chaste kiss on the corner of his lips.

Dean froze instantly and I backed away, fully intending to run away at any second. His eyes were wide with shock and he wouldn't stop staring at me with an unreadable expression. My hands became clammy and I finally stuttered out after a minute, "I-I'm sorry. I didn't m-mean to, I just... I should go." I turned around and walked away, almost running, my heart pounding louder than ever.

Stupid! Idiot! Moron! What were you thinking?! You ruined everything!!! He'll never talk to you again! You should just--

"Wait, Jo!" I thought I could hear Dean yell but it was hard to tell over the sound of my marching-band-like heart, children screaming, and annoying carousel music playing somewhere nearby. My suspicions were confirmed though when I felt one hand grab my shoulder and another one fall on my waist as I was turned around to find myself merely a few inches from the greenest eyes in existence. Those eyes seemed to be searching mine and... moving closer?


Dean POV

Did she just...?

I slowly moved my hand up to my lips after she'd walked away and ran my shaky fingers over the corner of my mouth. "Wow," I sighed.

I wasn't expecting that.

I was so lost in the moment that I neglected to fully notice one very important fact.

She'd walked away.

"Wait, Jo!" I ran after as fast as I could, only slowing down as I reached her, grabbing her shoulder to swing her around so I could look into her gorgeous brown eyes. I let one hand rest on her waist as I moved the hand I'd had on her shoulder onto her neck and let my fingers tangle in her blonde hair. I could feel my throat closing up, and through my closing eyes I saw her eyes begin to close too as I leaned in slowly. I could feel her warm breath tickle my lips as our lips almost touched.

Her hands gently grabbed the back of my neck and pulled my head towards her, our lips finally meeting properly for the first time. It took my breath away and I pulled her closer tenderly. We breathed through our noses to keep the soft kiss going longer, our surroundings fading into a haze as all I could think of was Jo. I ran my fingers through her hair and I could sense her lips turning up in a smile.

We slowly pulled away to breathe, not letting go of each other, and neither of us wanting to. My eyes stayed closed for a few minutes as I simply held her in my arms. When my eyes did open I leaned forward and rested my forehead on hers as I smiled and gave her another small kiss.

The moment didn't last long though as Sam and Jess ran up to us with wide smiles. "Can we get some food?" Sam asked.

"Alright," I agreed, looking around as Jo and I pulled apart and her hand slipped into mine again. "Where do they sell pie?"

Jo burst out laughing, causing me to smile. I wished the moment could last forever.

Can't Fight This Feeling - Dean/Jo Supernatural Highschool AU (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now