Chapter 1.

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Izuku has always known how terrible and horrible life can be, especially for his father's side of his family. The Midoriyas. Izuku knows, even at the age of 15, that he'll never have a proper and happy life. He knows, even if he tried, he'll never be able to escape. But that doesn't mean he's gonna give up. He is a Midoriya and a Midoriya never gives up. His dad taught him that.

That is the reason why he was at the beach at that very moment. The rubbish filled beach. He doesn't have a quirk so his brain makes up for it, but he still needs muscles and stamina. His dad was very strict about being fit.

Izuku had taken it upon himself to clean the beach. It's good for the environment and perfect for his plan. He needs to build his leg, thigh, forearm, and back muscles and this was the perfect way. He didn't have any money for the gym anyway.

Izuku realised too late that the sun was setting. His mom was going to kill him. She doesn't like Izuku being late, especially on a school night. Monday. Izuku groaned, the next day was Monday.

Why does he have to go to school? He sighed. What's the use of it anyway? All they teach about is what you can do and become in the future. Izuku doesn't have a future. It's not like he's gonna have a job, settle down with a family and die peacefully from old age. So, again, what's the use?

Izuku groaned and began making his way home.

It was dark by the time Izuku turned the corner into his neighborhood. Izuku was too busy reading through his notebook to see the men running out of the ally entrance ahead of him.

One of them noticed Izuku and made a b-line for him. He grabbed Izuku's arm, causing him to drop his pen. Izuku looked right into the man's dark blue eyes and forced his arm loose from the man's grip.

Izuku looked down at his pen and picked it up. The man lost that frozen fear he had when he looked at Izuku's eyes as soon as he looked away. The man hesitated before he grabbed Izuku and held him in a choke hold. He took out a pocket knife from his pocket and held the tip next to Izuku's eye.

At this point any normal person would've panicked. Izuku wasn't a normal person, he was sensible. He knew that these men, who were now running behind the man holding Izuku, were scared. Which means there is a hero nearby.

Now Izuku can see these men are the type who think they can handle any hero they know. And if they're this scared it means that they encountered a hero they never knew existed until this very moment and he or she is a strong and scary person. The only hero Izuku knows like that is...

Erasure Head trudged out of the ally. A menacing aura surrounded him, hair afloat due to his activated quirk. Half of his capture weapon was wrapped around his neck, the other half trailed trough the man's hand and around an unconscious body. He dragged the man on the floor as he looked in Izuku's direction. The yellow goggles made it hard to see the man's eyes, the only thing you could see was the red glow of his quirk.

The man holding Izuku was shaking violently. Izuku shifted his head in fear of the man poking Izuku's eye out. Erasure stopped, droped the body and wrapped his scarf back round his neck. Izuku had a feeling that the convocation they will have after this is over is not going to go well.

Izuku grabbed the man's shaking arm. He tensed and tried to bring the knife to Izuku's neck. Izuku didn't allow that though, he brought his other hand up and stopped the arm with both hands. Izuku took a step and bent forward, lifting the man off of his feet. Izuku threw the man over his hip and watched as he landed on his back.

He gasped and rolled to his side, the knife clattering to the side. Izuku sighed, he didn't have time for this. Behind him the three men grew ansious. They rushed over to Izuku, ready to inflict pain.

"Why you-!" one man was cut short by the foot planed perfectly in the middle of his face.

The other didn't get a chance to scream before the scarf wrapped around his face, suffocating him.

Izuku turned around to see Erasuer forcing hand cuffs onto one of the me while the other struggled to breath through the scarf tightly wrapped on his face.

Izuku stiffled a laugh. He was about to walk to Erasuer when he felt a hand wrap around his ankle. To late to stop his stride, Izuku fell face first onto the tar.

Erasure jumped up and immediately rushed to Izuku's aid. The man Izuku back flipped was trying to pull Izuku in. Erasure pushed the man away with his foot, said man lost his grip on Izuku's foot and he rolled onto his back.

"Are you okay?" Erasuer offered his hand and Izuku gladly accepted it. Just as their skin touched, an intense shock traveled up both Izuku's and Erasers arm. They flinched away.

Izuku looked at Erasure and got up before the man could offer a helping hand again. He dusted off his pants and moved to pick up his notebook, he doesn't remember when he dropped it.

"Thank you, Erasure Head," Izuku began. "But I really can't stay and chat right now. I'm late."

"Why are you outside this late?" Erasure scolded. "It's a school night kid."

"Exactly," Izuku countered. "That is why I an late."

"You could've gotten badly hurt," Erasure sighed.

"But I didn't,"

Erasure muttered under his breath then to Izuku he said. " Let me walk you home."

Izuku perked up at this. "hm, oh no. It's fine. My house isn't that far."

"And death isn't?"

Izuku's mouth clammed shut. "Good point. I think."

"Let's go."

Izuku looked behind Erasure. "But what about them?"

"Someone will be here in a few minutes to get them. I wouldn't stress about it."

After the men were cuffed and tied up, Shota walled with the kid. Silence filled the two of them up. When they were halfway there, Shota broke the silence.

"Where did you learn to do that?"

"My dad." it was an immediate and proud answer.

"He must be a strong man."

The kid laughed. "Yeah."

Shota didn't know what toake of that answere. It sounded almost sad. They walked in silence again before they stopped in front of a tiny house.

"This is where I live." the kid rocked from heel to toe. "Told you it wasn't far."

"Yeah, I can se that."

The kid opened the gate before he paused and sucked air through his teeth.

"Can I ask a favour, if it isn't a bother?"

Shota paused. "Yeah, what is it?"

"Could you sign for me?" the kid produced a book out of nowhere with a pen.

Shota nodded "Sure."

But before he could reach for the book the kid pulled his arms back. "And another thing. Could you... maybe talk to my mom for me? She wouldn't belive me if I told her. She never does."

Shota paused. What harm can talking to this kids mom do? "Only if you promise me that you don't go out late at night. I dint want to see you get caught in between a fight with drug dealers again."

"Drug dealers?" danm Shita said too much.

"Let's just go talk to your mom so I can get back to work."

And for the first time, Shota saw the kid smile. Only later did he realize that it was one of relief for he too would be wearing it after he met the kid's mom.



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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