At The Edge of a Sword

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My heart pounds as the sword against my throat is about to claim my life.  Yesterday if I had chosen a different course, if I hadn’t decided to get revenge this would not be happening.

1 Day Ago

My dagger sinks into the thief flesh; it was the first blood I had spilled. My father, mother, and baby brother had been killed by this thief. His gray eyes fade as death claims him, sliding my dagger from his chest. My tears flow freely; he had said he was working for Akuji the lord of the dark castle. He had claimed everything and brought our king to his knees. Now it was time for him to pay for the lives he claimed and my family.  Drying my tears, I dress in my fathers close and take his sword from the hidden spot beneath the floor, tying my long brown hair up I hide it under a hat.

My horse’s hooves pound as I ride hard trying to get to the castle. My mind full of vengeance, something hits my side causing me to lose hold of my reins and slid off, confused I look up to see a tall muscular man, he had been the one that slammed against me.

“Who are you?” he demands, I knew my disguise worked. “My name is Kuro” I answer trying to disguise my voice. It had sounded awful but, it worked. “Why is your dagger stained with blood?” this time he’s angry, drawing his sword he stands ready. “I’m not about to fight you” standing I stare at him not wanting to fight but, if that’s what it took to get to Akuji so be it.

Drawing my sword, I try not to drop it from its weight. “Just let me be, you are not who I’m after” I try and reason. Swinging his sword, duck before I can impact with my head “Oh who are you after?” he takes a under swipe, jumping I try and swing back but, It was a failed attempt. “With Akuji” I spit out, my blood boiling just speaking his name.

 Mid swing he stops “Why are you after him?” he had not put his sword away just, lowered it. “He killed my family” looking in his eyes, I see he had the same hate for the man I did. “You’ll want to meet my army” not saying another word, he turns and heads back into the trees.

“What army?” I say jogging to catch up with him. “Yes, I have gathered an army. We have planned to attack Akuji and rid him from this land” nodding my head this sounded like a plan “When do you leave?” I could not wait forever “Tomorrow we head out” I was about to speak until we came apon the army, there were probably 6 thousand men “Wow” I try and conceal my surprise,  I hadn’t known there were so many men willing to go against Akuji.

Late at night I sit, in Ian’s headquarters. He was the man I had met on the road and battled with. “Your family was killed and you were heading to the castle alone?” he says, I had told him the story, fighting tears the whole time. “Yes” I answer, staring at his face, he was very handsome. “You’re a brave man Kuro” he says slapping my shoulder, wincing in pain. I was happy he had been turned around when I flinched, other whys he might suspect.

In the tent I had been given along with three other men, I had to hide my discomfort from them. My memories flood back, the screams of my mother and my father trying to reason with the thief. I had been hiding in the back; I was on my way home with some water when I heard the screams. I watched as he killed my father and then my mother.                                                                                                             My brother lay in his crib not making a sound until mothers voice had disappeared. His screams echoed through the cabin, the thief had turned towards him and looked down. There was no remorse or pity on his face as he killed my brother. I had screamed as the sword pierced his skin, running in I had killed the thief in return.

Screaming I jerked out of my dream, all the men had been spooked awake “What is your problem!” one yelled “You scream like a girl” sweating, I take deep breathes trying to calm myself “I’m sorry” I say to them, turning my backs towards them. I hear their grumbling as the lay back down. Closing my eyes the horrors begin again.

Dawn is when the men had kicked me awake “Get up sleeping beauty” the men snicker, as they leave. Silently I get up and attached my sword. Walking out of my tent, a cold hard breeze hits me knocking me down and my hat off, my hear come tumbling down.

I hear a few men gasp and other just stood in silence staring at me. “What the-” one of the men start to say but, is cut off when Ian came out, and looked down at me. He had a slight frown on his face “What is your real name?” he used the same tone he had when; we had first met “Lakota” I keep my voice strong, now they know who I really am. “She a spy!” one of the men yell, causing the others to start throwing insults at me “I am nothing you say!” I scream.

 “My family was killed and you think I’m here to spy on this pathetic group of people” I thought the army had a good number, but they were all drunks. “Am I the only one here that really has a reason for wanting Akuji.” A tear slides down my face, I do not care. “You are to leave immediately” Ian voice is harsh “I will leave, not to my home. I have a mission and it will be fulfilled.”

 Turning on my heel I head for my horse “You will not, you are to head home!” I hear Ian raging behind me “I have no home” jumping onto my horse, I turn facing him. He had a strange emotion in his eyes; it sent chills down my spine “Good-bye” I say.

 “Yay!” I yell at my horse, until were going as fast as his hooves will go. “Come on men, let’s go!” I hear Ian ranting off orders.

The army was behind me, they were closing in on me fast, I had not been riding alone. Ian horse effortlessly catches up and we ride side by side. “You shouldn’t come” I hear Ian yell, ignoring him. I ride harder.

The men come to a slow walk, as we see the numbers of the army Akuji had built, it was great. “Men! We are not to fear death; Akuji is the reasons were here! Go for him!” Ian yells for the men to hear “Yay!” the men hold their swords high. “Charge” It was a blur from there, we had charged into battle. I had my sights set on Akuji; he had double swords and mastered how to use them.

My horse had been cut down, and I had to travel on foot. Cutting through the thick army he had produced. Blood soaked the castle field, and my clothing. I had reached Akuji finally.

Everything was slow; it was just me and him. “What’s a girl like you doing here?” his voice thick with seduction. “You killed my family” my voice low and threating, his cold dead eyes never leave my eyes. “I do not remember you” he said moving his sword slightly. I watched his every move, anticipated what he would do and waited. “You’re a coward. You sent a thief to do your dirty work, know its time I repay the debt.” Swinging I swipe at his head, but he just steps back. “Tsk-Tsk” he says “You don’t want to be hurt” he swings at me; stumbling back I block his blows. Spinning I do an undercut; he manages to jump back in time.

That’s when it happened, knocked off balance. He brings his sword to my neck “You shouldn’t have been here” he raises his sword, staring at him as he comes down. I plunge my dagger into his chest, his sword sinking into my stomach instead. Gasping we both watch each other as death comes to claim us. He fell first. I had gotten my revenge but, at the cost of my life. “Lakota” in the back ground I hear Ian’s voice, kneeling beside me, he watches me take my breaths “You are a hero” He lightly kisses me, smiling I stare into the darkness ahead. Until everything is gone and I see my family waiting.

Sinking my sword into another gut, I see Lakota fighting Akuji. I had loved her as she mounted that horse and now she was going to die .As she plunges her dagger into his chest, the sword sinks into her gut. “Lakota” I yell, chopping my way through. Akuji laid still his body limp. Her body shook with every raged breath she took, blood flowed from her stomach. Lightly kissing her, I feel her love returned. I watch as she smiles and her eyes go cold. My men had stopped and watched the scene, we had won. But there was no cheer. We had won at the cost of a beautiful woman. Her words would stay with us through the years; we wouldn’t touch the bottle again. We remember her through our lives we had left.

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