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Ok... so this is my first story I'm posting... and I'm hopeing to get the whole book done... eventually :P

anyways... so... let me know what you guys think if you read it...  so... here goes nothing! lol...

sry for any gramatical and spelling mistakes... stupid computor doesn't let me use spell check... but anyways... without furthur ado... the prolouge


"Daddy?" The young childish voice echoed coldly against the walls of 

the house. Again she called out "Daddy... where are you?" this time 

her voice was shaking with trepidation. As Jaci's bright green eyes 

scanned the house, the items that once personalized the now cold and 

empty house only served to further emphasize the sorrow held within 

it's walls. "Daddy?" she starred at the top of the stairs to the 

figure slumped against the banister.

His dark clothing hung loosly around his frame, the buttons of his 

shirt were undone, revealing a beer belly between it's folds. Slowly, 

he brought the dark coloured bottle to his lips. It seemed to dangle 

most precariously from his drunken finger tips as he nursed it slowly. 

"Hey honey..." He slurred his words together and turned his bleary, 

blood shot eyes towards his daughter. He opened his mouth as if to 

speak to her for a few moments before seeming to think better of it 

and simply shook his head instead and, looking away, proceeded to 

mumble something to him self under his breath.

"Daddy... when's Mommy getting back?"

Troy's eyes wandered back to his daughter, taking in her bright red 

over sized shirt and grass stained blue denim overalls, then wandering 

to her clear emerald eyes and unruly mop of chocolate coloured hair. A 

pang of guilt and pain hit him as he took in her features... she 

looked so much like her mother... at that thought he turned away from 

her angrily. When he spoke to her, his voice was harsh, and eirily 

clear. "Mommy's not comeing back. She's gone."

He pulled himself clumsily to his feet, desperate to get away from 

those beautiful eyes he had filled with silent tears. He had to get 

out of here. His angel didn't deserve to see what might happen if he 

were to stay. The people of this town were nice. Someone was bound to 

take her in. He couldn't bear to take her with him... every moment of 

everyday she'd only remind him of his inability to protect those he 

loved, and the fact that he'd never see his beloved Lorna again. Every 

time he thought of her, his mind would wander first to her charming 

smile as she held their daughters, then to her mangled and torn body 

as she lay dead under that tree... He was a strong man, but not that 

strong. He knew if he were to keep her with him he'd break sooner 

rather than later. The memories proved too much for him even in that 

moment, and he stiffled a sob as he tossed Jaci's clothes into a   

suitcase, then followed suit with his own, and lastly Kess's. He 

tossed them into the back of his SUV and fixed his daughters into 

their carseats. Kess slept soundly, unaware of what was happening, but 

Jaci angrily demanded answers, tears running down her young cheeks. 

She looked so much like Lorna in that moment, he could have sworn the 

child was her clone. It wasn't just their shared features that shot 

the pangs of loneliness, sorrow, and guilt through his heart, it was 

also their identical firey spirit. He hoped that one day he would be 

able to meet her again, and that she wouldn't blame her for what he 

was about to do. It was the right thing, he told himself again and 

again, trying desperatly to convince himself that it was indeed. This 

wasn't his fault. He couldn't do this.

He pulled himself out of his reverie as he pulled into town, the sun 

sinking slowly below the horizon as his car rolled to a stop infront 

of a familiar stone building. He pulled out Jaci's bag out of the back 

of the SUV, and placed them on the sidewalk, before unbuckling his 

daughter who was now giving him the silent treatment. She pulled 

herself out on her own, shying away from his hand when he offered it. 

He gave her a quick gentle hug, slipping a note in the kangaroo pouch 

of her jumper. "I love you baby. Never forget that. I need you to stay 

with uncle Joe for a little while, alright?" He sighed as she 

continued to ignore him. "Please?" She glared at him for a second 

before lugging her bag up the long walk way.

Tears threatened at the edges of his eyes as he slipped into the 

driver's seat before taking off. He glanced in the rear view mirror 

just before turning a corner, and saw Joe's wife embrace his daughter.

"You're doing the right thing. You're doing the right thing." he 

chanted to himself as the town slowly shrank to a small cluster of 

glittering yellow lights in his rear view mirror. "Arn't you?"

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