chapter four: plan

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... Why is it so silent here?




It has been a year since then. Y/n, Uzi, N, and V have become the best companions ever with them being silly, to doing serious missions together. Oh, this includes N and V needing to hunt for worker drones since it's their only source of food after all. While Y/N and Uzi had each other since you both are kind of close and are the only worker drones anyway.

.... Someone could be heard in the distance.



N hollers as he descends high from the corpse tower, he falls on his head but quickly regains his composure. He then looks at himself and reveals his sharp claws. He looks like he's having some deep thoughts with that worried look on his face. Just then, a muffled voice called out to him.

"N, I found something in here!"

He turns to the landing pod or the so-called "spaceship," well, that's what Uzi said. He immediately gets up to check out what Uzi has found. She was holding something, like a pin maybe? She's not sure either. She then lightly stroked the pin to clear some dust particles before facing the mirror beside her. I wonder, where are they getting all these mirrors from?

Uzi moved her bangs to the side slightly and this weird symbol appeared on her screen or "her eyes" and made the mirror shatter, but no pieces fell out of the frame. Uzi looked terrified seeing the mirror break all because of this newly discovered symbol, and she seemed speechless.

This scene is very familiar somewhere.

You were there leaning on the walls of the pod watching it all circulate, almost felt like you weren't there. Almost. You felt what Uzi was feeling because you had the same thing as well, that damn logo. V turns to Uzi, she doesn't look surprised at all. As her bubbles blew into the air of the pod, She formed a smirk before she spoke,

"That's weird and concerning," She says sarcastically and mockingly. She tilts her head slightly while she rests her forearm on the arm of the chair while looking at Uzi with that same smirk and Uzi doesn't seem amused by V's reaction as you can tell from her expression.

"Bite me! This is probably you weirdo's fault." Uzi raised her voice while pointing at V, hiding the fact that she was frustrated over her situation with the newly discovered symbol in her system.

"Never seen that symbol before," V still kept her smirk and that mocking tone of hers, then she added, "Wanna do an autopsy to find out?" Her smirk turns into a wide and sinister smile, literally covering her robo-cheeks. Her sharp teeth were exposed and her eyes widened too. But suddenly N cuts in their conversation as he climbs down from the ladder.

"What'd you find?" N asks with an oblivious look with an adorable grin. Uzi then grabs a nearby stool to reach N's height and bonks the pin on N's hat that soon revealed to be a pilot hat.

"Did you know that was a pilot hat?" Uzi questions and kicks the stool away, somehow she kept her arms on her hips while she fell. V was there watching it all happen while Y/N was still leaning on the wall. They seemed to be lost in the thought, they had a lot of thoughts and questions that needed to be answered in their little robo-head. While they zoned out, The three were still having a conversation.

"I was the pilot?!" N mentions with a flabbergasted look, well, he WAS flabbergasted. But his expression changed to something different, now he looked excited while he clenched his fists in excitement. He then adds, "That's aweso-!" He exclaims before the realization hits him. "I-I crashed and ruined everything," he mutters to himself, Uzi and V don't hear what he's saying and stare at him with confused looks. They looked at him like they were crazy. You snapped out of your thoughts a few seconds ago when N suddenly spoke, honestly, it made you almost fall but not as hard as how you're falling for him.

"Spaceship pilot," N says to himself, not as a mumble anymore so the two can hear him. He then continued his words. "Origin story," He looks at V with a smug look as he makes these little finger guns with his fingers that were pointing at V, she responds with a long hiss before going back to blowing her bubbles like an innocent child.

Let's focus on what Y/N's doing.

You were super lucid, you didn't know what was going on at all. You've been very .. out of yourself lately. All because of that damn symbol. You have been secretly trying to solve this "symbol" despite you and the trio working on this mystery together, but you usually work alone so you got very used to being isolated from other worker drones and all that. Working with teammates is not your forte.

"... what's up with them?" V turns to you like you were crazy, seems like you zoned out again. Your eyes were widened with your mouth slightly open. Uzi and N also stare at you but with different expressions. N has a concerned look while Uzi also has the same expression as V. Uzi has been kind of weirded out by you recently because obviously, something is up with you. You've been so bothered with the recent events and teaming up with new people... she knows you aren't that type of person. I mean, right? N approaches you slowly and now he's standing right in front of you. He waves his hand on your visor gently to get yourself back to reality.

"Uhm, Y/N? You there buddy?" N asks with his hand still waving near your face. His tone of voice was soft and gentle though his gesture did work. It just.. made you jump and squeak.



"Really? A? Just that? Do you not make other noises besides that?" Uzi broke the silence with her usual tone.

"Sorry, bad habit." Y/N scratches their neck and smiles awkwardly at Uzi, which makes her scoff in response. N pats your back with a reassuring grin, you're slightly surprised by his gesture but you quickly gain your composure and smile back at him. And suddenly, you got an idea and you wanted to share it.

"Say, don't you guys think we should head out?" You suggested with a shy smile. V turns to you, still bubbling some of her bubbles before speaking up to your suggestion.

"Why? Do you have something in mind that will help us?" She says sarcastically as she does a small arm movement to add to her sarcasm.

"It's just a gut feeling. I'm not sure if it will help but, it might help." You shrugged slightly, the gut feeling won't go away, even if you don't have guts. This made Uzi think all about it, doubtful that your gut feeling could get them into trouble whatsoever before she finally agreed to scout outside the pod.

"Alright,. It's safe for N anyway since there's no sunlight." Uzi's tone was raspy, but at least her agreement was a good sign to head out the base. I mean, it's been a while since you three went out of the pod. "We're heading out, let's go." Uzi opens the pod's doors and jumps out of it since she's so short. (pun intended). You were hesitant to step outside, but you always do this. Why are you suddenly feeling like this? N's voice snaps you back to reality once again as he pats your back like earlier before he spoke to you in a confident yet soft voice.

"Don't worry, I'm sure nothing will go wrong!" He nods at you before stepping out of the pod, thus, you follow right behind him finally calming down from your thoughts. You took his words to heart, maybe nothing bad will happen. Maybe the gut feeling is lying. I mean,


End of chapter 4.

im sorry if the recent chapter seemed short! but I hope this chapter will satisfy you all! 

good day to you, Y/N 

and until next time!! ;3

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