Part 9: jealous

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The next morning they were all woke up bye the sound of a siren. they all stepped out of there pup house expecting it to be chase that woke them up but it was actually Marshall.

Marshall: Morning pups breakfast is ready.

Chase: hay That's my line.

Marshall: Will It's my line now.

All the pups walk in to the lookout to see that Ryder just got up.

Ryder : hi pups what are you guys doing here?

Rubble: Marshall said that breakfast is ready

Ryder: Will I haven't gotten it ready yet.

gust then Marshall put down there food in front of them put it was not pup food it was some thing much better

What it looks like: 

What it looks like: 

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Everyone: WOW!!!!

Marshall: what are you waiting for dig in.

After they finish eating 

Chase : That was delicious thanks Marshall.

Marshall: no problem I have so much free time now I thought I would give cooking a try.

Ryder: What ales are you going to do?

Marshall: oh I'm going to read a little Shakespeare then go to to the GYM then relax on the beach.

Chase Mind: Wow his grown up a lot  I wish I was like that.

Everest: Chase are you ok?

Chase yeah I'm fine.

Everest: Can I join you?

Marshall:  sure I'm going to the gym now.

Rubble: Can I come to?

Rocky: and me

Zuma: Me too

Chase: can we all come?

Marshall: sure

they all lift and got to the Gym

when they entered they got chanced when they got out they notice some thing which made Skye and Everest blush.

Everest: Marshall why aren't you wearing a shirt?

Marshall: none of the boys here wear shirt when they work out.

Skye: And when did you get so many Abb's  

Marshall : firstly there are only 6 and I have had them for a year and a half now.

after a hour of working out they all got tired except for Marshall

Marshall: ok now it's time for that run lets go

after there run the went to the beach to relax

Chase mined: I can't believe that Marshall is so strong now wait I jealous of Marshall?

Skye: are you ok chase  and be honest

Everyone was staring at Chase

Chase: fine I'm jealous of Marshall

Marshall: Why are you Jealous of me?

Chase: Your so grown up and strong now and I just feel unimportant.

Marshall walked up to Chase and hugged him

Marshall: Chase you are important  this pups will follow you to the end of the earth and that's incudes me you are our leader now matter what.

chase: Thanks.

Marshall: And if that didn't help then drink that whisky I gave you and trust me it helps a lot

Chase: how do you now that.

Marshall: I've seen some Fucked up stuff and It helps easy the pain.

Everyone one was shocked at what Marshall just said

Rocky: did you just....

Marshall: Yes I said fucked.

Everest: I didn't now that you talked like that.

Marshall: I only swear when I'm made or thanking of my past or when I'm drunk.

Ryder: Ok but why do you drink

Marshall: I get lonely and I like the taste plus I like the felling when I'm drunk.

Zuma: Now you make me want to brink it.

Marshall pass a beer can to Zuma : here you go.

Zuma: Thanks

Marshall: do you guys want some.

Everyone: Yes

After a few hours they go to the lookout and fall asleep.

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