Status: available
Title: Drops of Hope
Summary: The Argo II is getting notes, but from who? They would like to know that as well. Is this mysterious stranger an ally or foe? How do they keep sending notes to the Argo II which is suspended hundreds of feet in the air?
OC Name: Issac Allegri
OC Age: 16
Face Claim: Freddy Carter
Love Interest: Leo Valdez
Age: 15
Face Claim: Avan Jogia
Antagonist: Gaia (of course)Extended summary:
The Argo II is getting notes, but from who? They would like to know that as well. Is this mysterious stranger an ally or foe? How do they keep sending notes to the Argo II suspended Thousands of feet in the air?Issac Allegri is the champion of Hermes, a legacy of Apollo, and has minor prophetic sight. He was dropped at the wolf house as a child and has been there ever since. When he gets a note from Mercury saying his hope will keep others alive, he starts trying to get notes to the flying ship he'd been seeing in his dreams. Will he succeed or will his hopes crush him like the sky above Atlas? Who is the boy with flames on his skin? Why do his dreams seem to zoom in on him?
- follows the seven's journey
- Must explain the backstory of OC-Issac was never sent to Camp Jupiter
- Issac has never known anyone but Lupa and her pups
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