The beast in the forest

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AN :This book is contained with gore or blood language and gross food and eating people also graphic pictures I found so please I will always warn you. This is your warn signal⚠️ or this —
But do enjoy thank you
Also listen to this while I know what it means, but it goes great with it or Spotify


"Capture the witch. It might send a curse in this village, we must burn the witch!"

I was being chased by the whole village. They were trying to capture me because of a rumor that they heard that my grandma Abe was a crazy witch, that put a curse onto one of the mayor son

I kept running and running until I found a mysterious path. I followed the path that lead me to a beautiful red mansion (I couldn't find anything good)

I ran into the garden in the bushes then I saw something that I will never forget I saw a creature that looked taller then any tree in the forest it ran to the people that were chasing me and strike them down in a second

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I ran into the garden in the bushes then I saw something that I will never forget I saw a creature that looked taller then any tree in the forest it ran to the people that were chasing me and strike them down in a second


Blood was splattered across the grass organs were being eaten by the creature heads were being torn off legs being bent half of a body was hanging off the side of the creature mouth

⚠️⚠️⚠️ TW over (ik not much but whatever)

I saw a white tall figure with white hair and pale light skin then the tall pale figure starts to look around like he is looking for someone or something..

Then he quickly looks at my direction and i start to sweat of fear and terror then he slowly walks to me slowly and slowly until something calls his name?

He looks back at the bush that I was in and he disappeared like a flash and the creature walk back into the dark forest

I looked out one more time before exiting the bush then i made my way to the Village to my house it not much but still i then walked in and into my room i fell in my bed and start to wonder who was that tall white figure?

While I start wondering, for most of the hours of my night thinking of what would've happened if I did not run into that path and hid in the bushes, then I fell asleep during my past hours, thinking and wondering

I see the tall white figure again but this time he had his back facing me and with fire in front of him that looked like my village with people screaming in agony and terror while their skins being melted off them he slowly turned his head and looked at me. A black shadow was covering his face, but all I can feel was some type of aura filling in that look dangerous and heavy.

He then kept calling my name, out with echoes surrounding this black void. All I can see was people trying to escape the fire behind him, but they couldn't succeed, then he walks slowly towards me and came closer and closer until we faced right in front of each other, and then i look up at him, he looks down on me, then closely whispers in my ear

"You can run and hide but I will always find you. You can tell people, you can cry, you can whine, but I will always find you I will always be next to you being in the same room as you, and always be looking at you, you cannot run from me you cannot hide or run away with anyone else, you're stuck with me you shouldn't have followed that path you shouldn't have hidden in the bushes now that I know who you are your mine forever"

I woke up with sweat coming down my face and me breathing heavily then I start to look out my window, then I still see the white figure standing in front of the forest that I came out of. I couldn't see his face or make any features, but all I know that he was staring at me. He was looking at me. My heart starts to pound. I couldn't stand to look at him too much aura was flowing in him, and then suddenly he disappeared. I couldn't sleep all night. What am I gonna do?

Okay that it for this story but i think i make other one today alr bye 👋

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