The presence in The forest

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Hey I hope u have good day or night let get started now and the TW are ⚠️
okay let go

When i finally came to see what made Mike go crazy again i saw that it was people that lived near a village close to our forest there were blood splattered across the grass organs, being torn off some hanging up from a tree and a lot of blood on mike mouth that supposedly also had a half body hanging off his mouth

I got to calm him down from the intruders that came with no permission I wonder why half of the village will come all the way into the deepest forest there has to be a reason may be an animal no that will be pointless and stupid or maybe..

A Person..

I start to look around sensing if there's any presence in the forest that I must missed?
Then I sense that something is behind me I looked at a big but small bush that can fit one person I start to walk slowly and slowly until

My big brother calls my name I vanished in thin air to see why on earth would he have called me
Like we don't even like each other

"What do you want" I ask my older brother I really don't wanna hear his nasty ass voice

" Well fetus father wants to speak to you about important matters" he said

Ugh just because the body's that mike killed I would have done better then that

"Ugh fine where is father" I ask

"He is in his office you know where" then my older brother turn around walking away with his greasy ass hair probably gonna go suck his partner dick

I then walk the long ass hallway we have WHAT is the point of have a long ass hallway this shit is bigger than my room

I finally made it to my father office I knocked knowing if I open without knocking he will probably pop me in the mouth for something stupid

"Come in" a stone deep, gentle voice called

I came in the office standing waiting for permission to sit

"Come kill sit down I have a serious problem with you"he said I'm not going to lie but he does scare me sometimes

I sit down on one of the sites that faced him he then looked at me with eyes that I cannot look away I was nervous to just be in the same room as him his aura is too strong

"Kil I like for you to take your step in the family now it is time and you are ready" he said I was confused what he meant I mean, I already took a step by getting a body for us to be not hungry from the village, of course

I do clean up every mess that Mike makes when intruders come, or dares to step in the forest what could this old man want from me now?

"I want you to marry someone"and those words knocked me out I didn't want to marry a woman or man!?

"What!? I thought Milluki was going to be married next not me until his marriage is at least 5-6 old!?" I did not like this idea I was not ready yet what is wrong with him!?

"yes I know but look at your brother shape I mean that what he gets for only eating food instead of blood we are vampires it runs in our blood and our ancestors. We are not those filthy humans. At this rate I'm going to kick him out or let Mike eat him" he said I mean father was not wrong if any vampire eats anything that not blood we can get fat and maybe explode who knows?

But still I don't want to get marry to someone this is unfair just because his fatass should be skinny this is unfair

"What if I don't want to I don't like the idea always"I said but I do stand at that point

"Then we will force you to marry and this time I will choose so be grateful that I'm letting you choose your grandfather Zeno did not let me choose so be grateful

Then he dismissed me out of his office so like is he confirming that he doesn't love, Mother?
I mean I don't like her one bit so fair I guess

I ran as fast as I can to the spot mike killed those people so I can finally see what that was

I finally arrived an quickly check the bush, and there is nothing, but then I saw something in the corner of my eye I quietly followed it, until it was a boy with black hair with green tips and golden honey eyes and a tan Sunkiss skin.. he was.. beautiful creature..

I hid my presence so he wouldn't expect anything
I saw him walk to a village I suppose he lived there I saw him walk into a crappy but comfortable house then I saw a window that I guess lead to his room. I saw him walk in the room and flopped down on his bed. I guess he didn't see me.

But then I just walked away, but I did leave a spirit there to keep an eye on him for me then got alert from one of my spirits saying that he's gonna wake up anytime soon so of course I wasn't up at his window, but in front of the forest where his window is facing coincidence isn't it?

I then see him from afar getting up so fast with sweat down his forehead he then looked at the windows, staring at me with a scare, terrified look

I then vanish from the situation, and I was with Mike walking down, taking our normal path of a walk we take every day almost every day actually

I then told Mike about the boy with black raven hair, then a mumble, but a mumble enough to make Mike hear



Bro this shi is 1028 words I'm done alr bye

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