Chapter 5 - Whose Ryra?

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Jamie and Loki walked out in the deck. Jamie leaned against the railing, looking up into the sky.
Loki's breath caught as he watched her. He still found her beauty breath taking as he did when they first met. He just wished he could tell her that.
"Aren't they beautiful? " Jamie asked about the stars, as she was still looking up watching them.
"Yes, yo..err they are my dear" Loki went over and stood by her, looking up as well.

After a few minutes, Loki turned around and leaned back against the railing.
"Not that I mind the company, but why you pick me to follow you?"
Jamie looked over at him, smiled and turned to face him.
"Because something about you, says I can trust you...even if I'm not sure what's going on..."
"I am sorry about all the lies and the whole scenario. I know you got questions..and hopefully I got the answers you seek. "
"Well, I do have one. I didn't want to ask in there because she seemed important..."
Loki perked up when she said 'she'.
"Ask away. Like I said, I will answer the best I can."
Jamie nervously tapped the railing and started pacing some.
"Um, who is Ryra?" She had stopped pacing and looked directly at Loki.
He had a lump in his throat and couldn't bring himself to say anything.
She noticed his demeanor and softly said "that big purple guy said she was someone important to you."
That was enough to snap him out of himself.
"What...what else did he tell you?"
Jamie walked up where she was inches away from him.
"He...he said that you loved her and that you would come back to him if he had her."
She gently placed a hand on his cheek. She all of a sudden felt a surge go through her. They was now standing in Frigga's garden back on Asgard.
"I told his big purple ass to go to hell because I won't let him hurt my heart anymore."
Loki stared at her, a little confused and relieved.
"Oh my love! I am so sorry I made you forget me..." Loki melted into her hand and placed his hand on top of hers.
"It is fine my dear. As long as you can fully bring me back to you...but to warn you, I may be upset at first. Let me process the whole thing...but I.will.come. back!
I promise!"
Right after she said those words, their surroundings went back to normal and Jamie backed up looking confused.
"Umm, wha...what was that? Where was we? Why did you..."
Jamie grabbed her head on each side. 'No no not another headache...."
Loki grabbed and held her. "Shhh, it will be okay...focus on voice...don't got to let him in...I won't let nothing happen to you..."
Jamie looked up into Loki's eyes and kept staring as she listened to him.
The pain subsided and she relaxed more in his arms.
"Th...thank you" She stuttered out. "I think I'm okay for now..."

Dr. Strange came out on the deck and saw Loki holding her.
"What is going on here?" He asked as he cleared his throat.
"He was just helping me with another headache. Don't get so bent out of shape."
Loki helped her stand up straight and when he was sure she was okay, he let go of her.
"We need to talk Jamie...come inside to my lair..."
"Why? So you can tell me another lie? I'm tired of least to you...I am going to bed!"
"I don't think...."
Jamie stood tall and was inches from Steven's face.
"I don't give a damn what you think. You've been lying to me my whole life...give me time to at least process everything at the moment..."
Jamie started to walk back into the apartment...then she turned to Loki.
"I would like to know more about her please. You help me, I help you. Tomorrow, okay?"
Loki couldn't help but smile and nod. Jamie walked into the apartment and went to one of the empty bedrooms.

Dr. Strange looked at Loki, visibly upset.
"What was that about?"
Loki was taken aback by his hostile tone.
"What do you mean....we was simply talking. She got a headache and I helped him not gain control again..."
" know what I'm talking about ...what did you tell her...."
"We talked. That is it. I don't answer to you."
"She is my sister"
Loki narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to the side.
"I just don't want her to get more hurt than she is..." Dr. Strange sighed.
"This whole ordeal will cause chaos but she is strong and will get through it. We can't treat her like she is going to break or else he will win. And I won't allow that...despite who gets in my way...
I will be back in the morning..."
Loki walked back inside without looking back, and left. He needed to clear his head some.

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