Ch 05: Herb Gathering, Goblins and Humans

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{A/N: Hey Guys a Here's a New Chapter Really it took me a Loong Loong time to make it. I don't know but I have the story in mind I just can't Put It to words thats why I can't Update like before}

---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---


Ariana's POV:

Once I got out of the city wall, I immediately went to the place where the medical herb was growing. It was mentioned in the quest that the name of the medical herb I should gather was Oregano, and it grows near the entrance of the Forest of Chaos.

Upon arriving at the entrance of the forest, I took a look around to see if there were any medical herbs near me, but all I saw was grass and bushes. Realizing I wouldn't make any progress since the quest didn't include an image or illustration of how the herb looks, I activated my appraisal.

The result was none; all that surrounded me was just grass and bushes. So, I took a walk to try and find some Oregano.

"If I had known that finding this herb would be this hard, I should have chosen another quest." While saying those words, I stumbled upon a footprints. They were too small for a human or any Beast Or insect type Monster.

Due to my curiosity about who or what these footprints belonged to, I followed their tracks inside the Forest of Chaos. After a while, I was led to a village. Well, not exactly a village, but some sort of base.

"There's a village around here?" After saying those words, my presence detection ability kicked in, and I noticed that there were hundreds of life signatures inside this base, with some belonging to humans and others to monsters.

The other life signatures belonged to monsters.

"Looks like trouble."


3rd POV:

Ariana, seeing this base, hid her presence so that she wouldn't get noticed by the monsters in the base. She sneaked inside and checked every room.

One of the rooms was filled with the medical herb she needed to collect.

"So that's why I can't find anything outside. Some monsters are collecting it." She said, but there's still one question in her mind. And that is, why are these monsters gathering here? From what she could see, most of them are goblins. Well, these goblins are not like the ones from the Cardinal World since the goblins here are mindless and only act on instinct.

Ariana decided to store all the medical herbs in her storage since this was one of her quests. "I don't actually like stealing, but it's mindless monsters who collect this, so it's not actually stealing," she said as she walked out of the room and headed outside.

Once she got out, she saw a group of goblins carrying something that looked like a human. Ariana decided to follow them, and sure enough, they were carrying a female human.

"What are they going to do to that girl? Wait, don't tell me they will..." Dirty thoughts started to appear in Ariana's mind, and she was imagining goblins doing nasty stuff towards the girl.

'Oh no, you all don't. I won't let you guys dirty a pure female in my watch,' is what's on Ariana's mind. However, this kind of thinking comes from Mizaki herself, and since Mizaki, Ariana, and Rimuru's soul started to fuse into one, their thought process is also becoming one.

This doesn't bother Rimuru since, for her, this kind of feels natural, as if the three of them are really one in the first place.

Back to the current situation, Ariana was following the group of goblins that was carrying the young girl. She was led to another hut. The goblins threw the girl inside the hut and locked the door. Once the goblins were out of sight, Ariana decided to open the door of the hut where the goblins threw the girl, and to her surprise, inside were multiple females, with some having injured bodies and some barely even alive.

"W...W... Who's there?" One of the females asked as she positioned herself in front of the other females.

Ariana decided to remove her presence concealment and reveal herself to the other girls. The girls' scared expressions turned to that of relief since they saw a human girl instead of a goblin. Ariana locked the door and approached the girl who positioned herself in front of the others and asked, "Hey, what is your name?"

"Layla," the girl replied.

"I see. Then Layla-chan, can you explain to me what happened to everyone who was in here?" Ariana asked Layla as she looked at those who were wounded and decided to heal them while Layla explained what had happened to them.

Layla explained that everyone here was kidnapped by those goblins and that everyone here was only expected to do one thing for these goblins, and it was for them to be breeding tools for the goblins.

She also explained that there were originally 30 females here, but as time passed, their numbers slowly decreased due to the goblins killing them or just them killing themselves.

Ariana, upon hearing this, felt sorry for those who died before she got here. While healing the remaining injured females, she remembered that the goblins of this world were mindless, but that didn't mean they couldn't take orders from someone or something. Due to the memories from the real Ariana, she knows that there are things called Spatial Monsters, and those monsters are leagues above the normal variety of monsters.

For example, there are those called Green Mantis. It was a special variety of the Bladed Mantis that she fought inside the Forest of Chaos.

'If my memory from Ariana is right, then that means that there's a Goblin King in this village,' she thought.

After healing those who were injured, Ariana told them her plan to save them. Well, her plan was not really a plan at all; all she wanted to do was kill all the goblins here, including the Goblin King.

"Wait, it's too dangerous for you to go out there alone. Even if you're an adventurer, you can't fight a horde of monsters alone," Layla pleaded with Ariana. She didn't want another individual dying trying to rescue them after all. They already accepted their fate that they would die here since she knew that no one would rescue them. Even the nations didn't even bother trying to look for them.

"It's okay; I'll be fine. After all, I'm the strongest," Ariana said as she looked at Layla while flashing the sweetest smile.

Seeing Ariana's confidence, Layla had no choice but to agree. "You have to promise me that if you find yourself in trouble, you must save yourself and forget about us," she said.

Ariana only nodded and turned around to face the door.

"You all should stay here; don't open it no matter what happens," Ariana said as she took out Moonlight and headed outside.

Once Ariana was outside, the girls inside could hear the growls and screams of the goblins.

---To be Continued---

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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