Attack and Protect

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Firey Jr's P.O.V:

Everything happened so fast, I got separated from Mom and Dad, I'm so glad I got into these vents those green guys can't follow me in there, they're too big! Hehe. Still... it does not make this not scary... these vent are dark with only me lighting the place up enough for me to see. Mami always said if caught in a scary situation with people after you the best bet would be to keep moving, so I kept crawling through the vents. I don't know where to go but my main mission is to find Mom and Dad. 


Firey Jr: !??

Firey Jr: ....

A loud bang finally breaks the quiet but it means someone got in. I sat still, kept quiet when the sounds got louder. I held my breath trying not to make a noise, and painful sweat coming down my face. 

*Bang clank thunk bang*

Firey Jr: (it stopped....) I-Is.... someone here...??

Firey Jr: ....

???: .....

I inch a little closer so my light can let me see who was there and just find the trail going down.  When a hand crawls out from down there.





I instantly ignited larger like I usually did when scared and I seemed to have burned the zombie, this gave me a chance to run but he was already running after me in the vents even when i had burned a part of his face! 

Leafy's P.O.V:

For a while I quietly moved through the halls under the cover of a towel I had taken from the school showers knowing that I need to stay hidden to avoid infection. I used the environment around me when Zombies came nearby just like my old life stranded in Yoyleland, only.. without the horde of undead looking for me. As I hides behind a recycle bin the zombified forms of Topaz and Knife pass by, I slightly peek out to check the area. 

Leafy: (Phew... I think it's safe now...)

I step out of hiding and head to a specific locker on the other side of the hall, my locker. After unlocking it I open it and reach inside to a hidden collection of knives to choose from, I'm going to need something to defend myself from if I'm gonna save my child.

Leafy: Mmmm.. this one should work. Sit tight son, Momma's coming for you. 

Zombies: Grrrrrr...

Leafy: Uh oh. 

Topaz and Knife soon come back along side other zombies showing up on the other side of the hallway a couple of which I recognized. There was just too many for me to just fight off, I retreat and try to shake them off my tail. Normally I'd throw a few knives to slow them down but I only grabbed the one and I can't risk loosing it so I keep running when I heard something from above me. 


Leafy: Huh-! Firey jr!?

Little had I known another zombified friend of mine Rose snuck up to me and tried to attack from behind.

Zombified Rose: BLEGH-!

Leafy: AH-!

I deflected her attack but I lost my knife in the process, the sound of it clattering as it hits the floor attracts more zombies from the other side and before I knew it my back was against the wall as they inch closer and closer. I was so scared and sad that I couldn't save my child, it was then that I felt a shooting pain in my body, a... familiar pain... she wants to take over. I was normally afraid of what would happen if I gave this side of me control but... what choice did I have? 

Leafy: Nrg-! *groan*

This pain only gets worse as my grip of reality slips, my body already begins to change. I fall to the ground and let this happen the last thing I see before loosing conscious entirely is the surrounding zombies backing up.


~To be Continued~

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