1.Worst nightmare

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I have always enjoyed walking down the middle of the road, like those protagonists of the suspense series, fugitives. Who would have thought that I would get so close to becoming one of them?

It all started that particular day when the sky threatened a storm as I left a party. I was alone in the poorly lit streets and with few vehicles passing by. The rain started to fall, so I walked home as fast as possible and fell asleep.

The next day, when I woke up, I had a terrible discomfort that I attributed to a common cold. However, weeks later we realized that it was a new virus. My health worsened rapidly and the virus became a pandemic, leaving behind thousands of shattered families. Among them, mine. My paternal grandfather passed away and now I am in quarantine with other sick patients.

After a month, I still feel helpless here. I lie down, receiving treatments that do not seem to help, with an uncomfortable tube in my throat.I have heard fireworks and I know it is the end of the year because when I got here it was the end of November, miss home, my friends and my girlfriend. Every day that I am here, I curse the disease that has weakened me. Sometimes, I feel that I am losing my sanity.

I thought I saw a white shadow and heard the screams of pain of another patient. Since this has already become usual, I ignore it and close my eyes to rest. But I feel a pinch in my leg and faint.

I slept for what felt like ten hours straight, full of nightmares.

When I woke up, I realized that my nightmares had come true and I had become one of them.

Mareridt: Vampyrbid English version Where stories live. Discover now