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The day after that event, I decided to search on Google Jisung's name. Everything he said was true, I also learned that he was 3 years older than me and i learned the existence of an animal named "quokka", which is literally him. The pictures there were remembered me how he was handsome, but I stopped looking at them because i wanted to keep in mind the image i had of him. I still continued searching about the group members and some of their musics, their stats on those videos was impressive that I better understood why he was chased. After a moment I stopped because it started to make me sad to think I will only see him again on my screen. I tried to forget him, but later I noticed Jisung's cap on the passenger seat of my car, that was the only proof of what happened so I decided to keep it safe.

Jisung's POV.

As I headed back to my hotel after the concert, I turned around to see one last time that tiny car and that woman. It was nice being with her, she was funny and simple, but not simple as an insult, she's the kind of girl you can be yourself with. As I was walking the corridors of the hotel, I realized I forgot my cap in her car, it was my favorite one."I guess she is going to throw it, she will not come back to my hotel to gave it back, she already did enough" I thought. Without Y/N I could've run for awhile and I had a great time with her, so I accepted to let her my cap.

I entered the hotel room I shared with Hyunjin, but everyone was gathered here waiting for me. When they saw me they were relieved and I received some hugs, then I told them everything.

-"You're lucky she was nice, it could have ended very bad, that's not smart to enter a stranger's car" Chan said.

-"She could have kidnapped you and ask a ransom" Jeongin continued, I laughed thinking that she mentioned that.

After we talked about what happened everyone get back to their rooms and we went to sleep. I was exhausted by the concert but I couldn't stop thinking about that night.

Few days had past, we practiced the entire time for our next concert in France, but today we have some free time. Minho, Felix and I wanted to visit the city and go to a restaurant. Walking down the street, I saw a girl that looked just like Y/N, she had the same beautiful hair as her. Then I saw someone with the same car. In the restaurant, Minho noticed thatI was troubled :

-"You don't like your food ?" Minho asked.

-"It's not that, I just keep thinking of the girl that saved me" I replied.

-"Well, it's over now and I doubt you will see her again", Minho said.

-"But he could, why don't you text her, you have her phone number, right ?" Felix said.

That's right ! I used her phone to call mine so I could find her number. Food really makes people smarter.

-"But what do I say ?"I asked my friends.

-"What do you want from her, why do you keep thinking about her ?", Felix said.

-"Well, I feel bad I couldn't thank her more and i'd like to have my cap back.", I lied, she can keep my cap but I couldn't admit yet that i wanted to see her again.

-"Maybe you could simply ask to see her again ?", Minho replied.

-"I'll think about it".

We finished our food and we got back to the hotel but I was decided to text her, I took time to found the perfect sentence :

-"Hi, hope you remember me, it's Jisung. I think i forgot my cap in your car, did you found it ?"

-"Hi, of course I remember you, and yes I found it, I can send it to your hotel", she responded fast.

-"It will be easier to meet in a café to give it back to me.", I replied, she could send it but I wouldn't be able te see her that way.

-"What are you doing right now ?", she asked

-"Nothing, we can meet today."

-"I'll send to you an adress, you could be there at 2:30pm ?"

-"I'll be there".

I was troubled it was so easy to convince her, maybe she also wanted to see me again, I checked if my hair was good and drove to the destination.

 I arrived at the "café" a bit early so I ordered two drinks for us, I remembered she was drinking a coffee on the parking so I ordered a hot coffee and an iced one and i'll let her choose the one she prefers, genius. Then, she entered the "café", her face was bundled up in her scarf because it was cold outside, but I could see her cheeks being red because of it, cute. Her eyes wandered, looking for me, I waved at her and she came to sit in front of me.


When I sat I directly handed him his cap, he smiled and thanked me. I noticed two drinks in the middle of the table :

-"Is it for us ?", i asked.

-"There is a hot coffee and an iced coffee you can choose"

I took the hot one, he seemed happy to have the iced coffee. While I warmed my hands on the cup of coffee, I looked around :

-"You don't have a guard?"

-"No need, i'm not that famous, nobody is going to recognize me here", he said and chuckled.

-"If we are chased again I can't do anything, I walked to come here"

-"That's why you are frozen"

-"I'm not, it's just my hands, I forgot my gloves".

He grabbed my hands and wrapped them with his to warm me. Thankfully my cheeks were already red beacause of the cold so he didn't noticed that I blushed.

-"If I were your girlfriend I would be mad to see you holding hands with another girl", he removed his hands and replied.

-"Well, I don't have one.........and you?"

-"I don't have a girlfriend either", it made him smiled, "He found it funny or he's happy i'm single ?", I said to myself.

We continued to talk and joke, like that night in my car it felt like we were already friends, he was so effortlessly funny and once again it was good not being alone. I thought I liked being with him because I was lonely for too long and needed company and that's why I accepted to see him again but I realized I was wrong. It was getting late and I had to go home even if I didn't wanted to leave him."It will be the last time I will be able to see or talk toJisung, he is not staying in France and even if I have his number, i'm just a random girl, I won't text him and he won't either", i thought, and it made me sad.

-"It's almost dark outside i'm going to leave", I said.

-"Do you want me to take you home ? I arrived in a car, you won't be cold."

-"I'll appreciate it"

We left the "café"after I insisted to pay my drink, and he drove me home. My car was nothing compared to his but i didn't really noticed because I was more absorbed in watching him drive.

He stopped in front of my studio:

-"This time it's really a goodbye." I said.

-"Yeah I guess", he seemed sad but stilled smiled.

I walked towards my building, it felt like we reversed our roles compared to the last time, I turned around, he was still there watching me, I waved and entered the building. In my studio, i slumped on my couch, sighed and said to myself :

"Now you don't even have his cap to remind you of him so let's forget everything, it will be easier".

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