3- Crushes and Stalking

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Anna and I both lean on each other, fingers buried deep in the popcorn bowl. We watch the screen silently, engrossed in the movie we've watched for the millionth time now.

"Arthur's hot." Anna mumbles, flicking a piece of candy in her mouth. There's something about his face, or maybe it's just his calm personality that makes me agree with her. "Yeah but he's like 34."
She rolls her eyes. "Yeah well you think..."

No matter how hard I try to focus on the An-or the movie, my mind keeps wandering back to that boy. He was tall, 6'2 at most, straight light brown hair, combed up into a quiff and a smatter of freckles that makes me want to squeal. He had this sharp narrow jaw, and a thin nose. His eyebrows were dark, and sat on these green...or was it blue? Eyes; framed with eyelashes that were long and silvery, sending shivers down my spine as I imagine them brushing against my cheek. I sigh as I picture him close to me, lips on my neck and shoulders. My abdomen starts to feel fluttery and a wide grin is splayed on my face. Oh no.
I face Anna, panicked.

"Anna! You know the guy in the hallway? At school? The one I talked to?!"
She looks at me and squints, a small curve appearing on her lips.
"Yeah, Lucas Anderson. What about him?"
Lucas Anderson.
In my head I repeat his name, rolling it around, familiarizing myself with it.

She gives me a nudge and leans close.
"You like him, don't you?" I shrug.
"I don't even know him. He's a jerk too, that much's pretty ovi."

"Yeah well, you do have a bad habit to falling for jerks, you horny mofo."
I open my mouth in protest but I can't think of a valid argument.

"It's gonna go away in awhile, don't worry." I assure her, rolling my eyes. Curse my damn hormones. She shoots me a look that says yeah right.

"That's what you said for Zain all the way back in Seventh but noo you had to like him for the whole year, summer, and half of the next year! And he was a total asshole! He knew that you liked him and he treated you like shit, and Ail, I was ready to punch that dick straight across the jaw for you."
I give her a hug and plant a quick kiss on her cheek. "Yeah well, thanks for putting up with me luv."
She smiles and sighs, taking another handful of popcorn.
"Whatever. Just don't get hurt again okay?"
I debate if I should turn this into a fandom reference and by the look she's giving me I can tell she wants to.


"Aileen! You did that on purpose!"
I only smile, getting up and stretching.
"I don't know what your talking about."
She rolls her eyes sprawls on the couch, yawning
"Uhg were lazy bums, get yo ass up An, let's go somewhere today."
"Naw. I think I'm gonna just stay here."
She glances up at me, "Besides the only reason you want to go is so you can pass Luke's house."

"Why? Does he live close?"
What if he's lives across from me? Than I can watch him from my...okay that sounds a bit stalkerish, but hey if there's a nice view why not enjoy it right?
I find myself getting really curious of this boy. Maybe he's not as bad as he seems? Just another stereotype? I guess kind of like Max? Everyone thinks he's a dick but he's actually quite nice. And he has this hella cute smile...

"I think he lives at the end of the street."

I'm already out of the door and on my bike.


I slow for Anna as she comes up behind me, her eyes glaring daggers.
"The things I do for you."
She grumbles under her breath, speeding in front of me.

I smile and relish the wind as it washes over my face and hair. I adjust my glasses on my nose, thinking about how my mum teases me by saying that they could double as goggles because they're so big.

"But they're in right now mom!"
"And your boy hair too?"
"Yeah, that too."
"Well, alright then Allen"
My dad chimes in.

I smile at his nickname for me, or according to him, my real name until my hair grows long again.

We slow to a stop at the second to last house, my body giddy with excitement.

"Okay so, we're gonna walk our bikes in front of his house, act like we're going to the park or something and then double back saying that we forgot something."
She nods and gives a sly smile.

Slowly we walk in front of his house when I see him on his patio, drinking something that looks like iced tea. It's only a glance but I feel fluttery.
"Holy shit Ann look at him!"

She grins big and wide, realization dropping like a weight. In that moment I realize what she's going to do. I'm screwed.
"So your gonna go to Ed's house right? I have to pick up something for my mom, so I'll meet you after."
I curse under my breath, she's practically shouting, you'd have to be blind to not see the boy's head perk up.
I've known Ed for the longest time and he's absolutely wonderful but I have only ever seen him as a brother. Thank god he's older and is in college.

"Your not staying the whole night are you?"
I hiss, my face blooming with color.
"You are?! But he left the condoms at your house! You know he likes for you to keep them. Oh my god Ail, your so difficult. Well, lets go get them then."
She shrugs and turns around, her lips twitching into a smug smirk.

My eyes dart to the boy lazily slumped back on the bench. Our eyes lock and his mouth splits, revealing beautiful white teeth.
He gives me a thumbs up and winks, smiling even wider from before.
Just as we leave his line of sight I give him a clear view of my finger.

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