Chapter 13: Part 1 (18+)

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"Take care, Sir," Kenta said as he bid farewell to Tony, who was leaving the party early due to an important meeting scheduled for the next day.

Kenta would be staying behind to oversee the event, making sure that everything went smoothly and no scandals would tarnish the reputation of UAC CORP.

As the night went on, Kenta found himself at the corner of the party, scanning the crowd of fans, employees, and members of the Red Racing Team.

Suddenly, he heard a loud scream and turned to see what was happening. It was Kim who's in a heated argument with a man.

At first, Kenta was about to call for security to intervene. He didn't want any commotion that could potentially damage the company's image. But as he observed the situation, he realized that the man was about to kiss Kim. Without a second thought, Kenta rushed over and punched the guy in the face.

Kenta had a look of anger on his face as he glared at the guy who had just tried to kiss Kim without Kim's consent. Without a second thought, Kenta punched the guy in the face, knocking him down again.

"Are you okay, Kim?" Kenta asked, his voice filled with concern.

But Kim was still in shock about what had just happened.

"Let's get out of here," Kenta said, offering his hand to Kim.

But Kim just shook his head and started walking away. He ignored Kenta and walked away, not wanting to deal with anyone at the moment.

The guy, who was now on the ground, tried to get up and punch Kenta in retaliation. But Kenta was quick to dodge the attack and instead, he kicked the guy in the stomach, causing him to fall once again.

"How dare you!?" the guy yelled, his face turning red with anger.

"Do you not know who I am!?'

Kenta just scoffed at the guy's words and pulled out a gun from his pocket. The guy's eyes widened in fear as Kenta pointed the gun at his head.

"I don't fucking care who you are," Kenta said, his voice cold and threatening.

"But I do know that you're not someone I'm scared of."

With all his strength, Kenta hit the guy in the head with the gun, knocking him out instantly.

"Don't ever touch Kim again," Kenta whisper, his voice low and full of warning.

"Or else, you will never see the sunrise again."

Kim, who was now outside of the bar, was still holding his head because it hurt so much. His vision was blurry and he felt strange sensations all over his body. He also realized that his knees had no strength and he could barely walk. It must have been because he drank too much.

As he was about to fall, someone caught him from behind. When he turned around, he saw that it was Kenta.

Kim was annoyed, "Let me go"

However, Kenta insisted on driving him home since he was clearly drunk.

"You've had one too many. I'm driving you home."

"Nah, I'm good. I can handle it" Kim rejected the offer of Kenta.

"Seriously, you're stumbling. Let me get you home safely" Kenta insisted because he is worried to Kim.

"I'll just grab a cab"

"No need. I insist. I don't want you getting into trouble or hurting yourself. Let me drive you home, okay?"

Kim didn't have the energy to argue and Kenta helped him to the car, making sure to put on his seat belt.

As they were driving, Kenta suddenly remembered that he didn't know Kim's address. He whispered to himself and decided to just take Kim to his house. When they arrived, Kenta helped Kim out of the car and into his house.

Kenta carefully unbuckled Kim's seat belt. He stepped out of the car and opened the door for the front seat, where Kim was still sleeping. Gently, he lifted Kim up and held him like a bride, careful not to wake him up.

Kenta made his way to his room, trying not to jostle Kim too much. But as soon as he laid Kim down on the bed, Kim started crying and squirming, his body writhing in distress. Kenta's heart clenched at the sight. He had never seen Kim so vulnerable and out of control.

"What's wrong, Kim?" Kenta asked, his voice filled with concern.

Kim's cries turned into sobs as he struggled to speak.

"I-I feel strange," he managed to say between gasps for air.

Kenta's mind raced. What could have caused this sudden change in Kim? And then it hit him. He remembered seeing Kim take a drink from a stranger at the bar. Could it have been a drug? Panic set in as Kenta tried to think of what to do.

But before he could do anything, Kim's hands started desperately trying to remove his clothes. Kenta quickly moved to stop him, not wanting Kim to do anything he would regret later.

"Kim, stop!" Kenta said firmly, trying to calm him down.

Kim's eyes were wild with panic as he looked up at Kenta.

"I-I can't," he cried. "I feel so hot, like I'm burning up from the inside."

Kenta's heart ached at the sight of Kim in distress. He didn't know what to do, but he couldn't just sit there and watch him suffer. He quickly got a towel and basin of water and started wiping Kim's body, trying to cool him down.

As he worked, Kenta couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards Kim. He stood up to get a fresh towel but Kim's hand shot out and grabbed his wrist. Slowly, Kim's eyes fluttered open, revealing a soft, confused gaze.

Their eyes locked, and for a moment, they both forgot about everything else. Kim's gaze traveled to Kenta's lips, and before Kenta could even process what was happening, Kim's lips were on his.

Kenta's eyes widened in shock, but his body responded instinctively. He leaned in, deepening the kiss, his mind and body consumed by the sudden rush of desire.

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