Chapter 9

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Kenta had always known he was different from his adopted brothers. While they were all powerful Alphas with special abilities, he was just a regular Alpha.

But Kenta didn't mind, he was just grateful to have a home and a family, even if it wasn't the most loving one.

He had been brought to the Chen mansion by Tony, his adoptive father, when he was just a young boy. Kenta's parents had died when he was just a child, leaving him with no family to return to.

He had grown up in an orphanage, never really knowing what it was like to have a family. But when Tony came into his life, he thought things were finally going to change for the better.

However, that was far from the truth. Kenta soon realized that life in the Chen mansion was not what he had imagined. He was raised in confinement, locked in his room like a prisoner. Tony saw no value in him, since he had no special abilities like his other sons. Kenta was nothing but a burden to him.

But even though he was treated like this, Kenta didn't complain. He had learned to be skilled in physical combat, as it was the only way he could defend himself in this mansion. He knew that he had to be strong if he wanted to survive.

Tony had always wanted to send Kenta away, to get rid of him like he was some unwanted item. But Kenta begged and pleaded, promising to do anything just to stay with him.


In the dimly lit room of the Chen mansion, Kenta sat on his knees in front of Tony, his adoptive father. He pleaded with him, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Daddy, I know I'm just a normal Alpha, but please, I just want a chance," Kenta begged, his eyes pleading. "I'll prove my worth, I promise."

Tony, looking uninterested, replied coldly. "You're a liability, Kenta. No powers, no use. Don't call me daddy again, I've considered sending you away."

Kenta's heart sank at the thought of being cast aside by the only family he had ever known. He couldn't imagine leaving the Chen mansion, where he had lived since he was a just a child. But now, it seemed like Tony saw him as nothing more than a burden.

Tony was about to walk away when Kenta suddenly grabbed onto his legs, tears streaming down his face. "N-no, please," he cried. "I'll do anything, just please don't send me away."

Tony's expression didn't changed at all. He looked at Kenta and then at his guards standing by the door. "Get him and take him out of the mansion," he ordered.

The guards grabbed Kenta and pulled him up, but he struggled against them, his eyes now blazing with determination.

"I will do anything, please," he pleaded, his voice breaking.

Tony's eyes narrowed as he looked at Kenta. "Anything?" he asked, a sly smile creeping onto his face.

Kenta nodded, desperate to stay in the only home he had ever known.

"Very well," Tony said, his voice dripping with malice.

"But if you want to stay, you'll be a servant dog, nothing more."

*End of Flashback*

Years went by, and Kenta grew up into a young man. He was now skilled in not just physical combat, but also in other areas such as cooking, cleaning, and even hacking. He had become a valuable asset to Tony, who saw him as nothing more than a tool to be used.

"I've become a tool for Tony, but at least I have a purpose now. It's better than being cast aside."

But Kenta didn't mind. He was grateful for the opportunities that Tony had given him. He had a purpose now, something he never had before. And even though Tony treated him with no love or affection, Kenta remained loyal to him. He didn't have a choice, he didn't have anyone else to turn to. He didn't have a family to care for, or someone to protect. Tony was the only family he had, even if it was a dysfunctional one.

"It's the only life I have. I'll endure whatever it takes to stay here, even if it means sacrificing my happiness."

As he looked around the Chen mansion, Kenta couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. This was the only life he had ever known, and he had accepted his fate a long time ago. But sometimes, he couldn't help but wonder what his life would have been like.

As Kenta glanced around the mansion, he pondered on what might have been.

"Would my life be different if my parents were still alive? Could I have had a loving family?" Kenta whispering to himself. These were questions that would always remain unanswered.

But for now, Kenta was content with his life. "I'll remain Tony's pawn, replaceable or not. It's my only chance at survival even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness"

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