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New MontroseKingstown ,st

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New Montrose
Kingstown ,st.vincent
7 february ,2024
6:30 a.m

I just finish doing my hair an was now putting on my uniform.

Mek me skirt ha be so long.

Feel like church mi ah go jedz.

"Krystal!!" My granny shouted.

As much as me love me gran gran the lady loud.

"I'm coming"I yelled back.

I just finished putting on my uniform and was now on my way downstairs.

"Sissy!"i heard her lil voice .

"Yes mia"i replied lifting her up.

Mia was my sister and she's 2 years old.

Mia was my sister and she's 2 years old

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Looking at my phone it was now 6:40.

"Buba i gotta go now"i said while putting her down.

She immediately frowned.

"Krystal , child hurry up nuh me have things fi go do"gran gran said.

I quickly kiss me baby and hurried to the car.


It was now 8:10.

The sisters were doing the usuall i guess.

Which is dey up and down like mosquito in the place.

Yes i attend st. Joseph convent kingstown , yes me does go sista school..

This was my last year tho.

My teachers weren't in school today due to some workshop.

Way me really ah do ya?

"Pinks!" Lia shouted.

Gyal nuh get nuh broughtupcy wat so eva yes.

Looking around i spotted her.

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