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I had no school this week due to the fact that they had done teaching and i was now at home relaxing , note that not all 5th formers had school.

I'm currently in my room bored.

Call way he name nah.

Girl if yuh doh hush eh.

I heard a low voice distracting me from thoughts.

It was mia my lil sister.

"Heyyy"her lil voice said.

"Wassup mama"i said while smiling at her.

"Can do my hair like mini mouse pwease" said while giving me those puppy dog eyes.

"Alright me baby" i said.

I got up and got all the hair supplies i need to the hair style me and .y siblings all had mixed hair both our parents had coolie hair buh different heritage.

My dad was creole while my mom was ah full blown carib.

After getting what i needed ,i started her hair.

I did a swoop with two buns and two bubbles per bun .

I did a swoop with two buns and two bubbles per bun

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She so likkle and pretty.

"Tell granny tie it up fi yuh"

Ah my baby that best blv.

I lay back down  on the all i heard is the lil footsteps going out the room.

Wonder way mi ah guh do tomorrow yow.

Jus then i got a message from such man.

Alright alright.

Too nuff now.

But anyways.

He asked if i wanna fo with he and his frens on a yacht for aa coupl3 of days.

I said only if i could bring tha girls.

He say thas no seen so yh.

I left his chat and went to the group chat.


:Such man in invite me to spend time with him and he frens and me say only if yall go and he say is no prob so way yall say??
                    Seen by all.

I closed the chat waiting for a response.

I then went down stairs to ask grandma bout tha yk.

As i reach in the kitched the aroma hit my nose.

Lady can cook anuh.

She was making mon me deven kno way she ah mek.

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