Abandoned Pizzaplex (1)

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TWs: Swearing

  "I need the crowbar." Jess opens her backpack and hands you the metal, feeling a bit heavy in your hands. You and Chase pry the door open, feeling a rush of cool air.

  You, Devon, Chase, Blainley, Jess, and Kyra had planned this nearly a month ago. According to your parents, all of you were spending the night at your older sister's house, who agreed to cover for you without much complaint or questioning. She seemed a bit worried when she noticed that a lot of her tools were missing, but she promised not to question further. So long as you didn't tell your parents that she has a second job alongside being a car mechanic, that is.

  Kyra is the first to step in, then Devon, Chase, yourself, Jess, and Blainley as the last. The place is dark and eerie; the flashlights you brought aren't bright enough to cancel it out. Your flashlight treads over some gold trim, shimmering dully under the beam. Kyra looks at you and Devon, smiling at the corners of her lips. 

  Before everyone had met at the doors of the mall, it was just you and Kyra. The atmosphere was friendly and calm. Kyra had been talking endlessly about Chase, in a way that was a little more than friendly. She definitely had a crush on him. You asked her what she thought of him and she froze up, stuttering and blushing wildly. You laughed as her hands went to your shoulders and shoved you to the ground, and she laughed when you stood up and shoved her to the ground. The two of you found your way to the ground and wrestled each other, creating sore limbs and light bruises until Devon made it.

  When Devon arrived, the atmosphere changed. It wasn't friendly anymore, it was something else, something different. You felt different.

  Devon used to identify as their gender at birth, male. But for almost a year now, they've identified as non-binary, and they stopped hiding themself. They became who they've always wanted to be instead of their parents' expectations of them. And they became really, really attractive.

  Devon saw you over Kyra and assumed something other than wrestling, and they were angry. Their smile was a little too bright, their tone a little too forced. It made you feel horrible, but before you could properly explain things, Jess and Blainley arrived. Chase came about five minutes later.

  "You good?" Jess asks, shining her flashlight in your eyes. You stagger away, mumbling "M' fine, Jess," as you rub your eyes to clear your vision. 

  Jess and Blainley poke at an old staff bot. Devon is walking deeper into the building, Kyra is walking around with her flashlight while she views the wreckage, and Kyra is signaling you to follow Devon while she steps toward Jess. Chase is still standing in the entrance, peering into the far dark. You look to Kyra and tilt your head at Chase, but Kyra ignores you, turning back to Jess. 

  "Hey, guys! Come look over here!" The five of us follow Devon's voice into what looks like an old shop. Jess and Blainely stick close to each other, Chase walks by you, and Kyra walks behind you and Chase. In the store was a TV, buzzing under your flashlight's stream.

  "Shouldn't this thing be, y'know, off? I thought the building didn't have power anymore." Kyra looks at Devon and back at the TV screen, buzzing with life. 

  "I mean, yeah. I think so. I'm not really sure how it'd work," Jess answers, looking unsure of herself. Kyra looks at you and you shrug, also not knowing how it works. 

  You speak up, saying "Okay guys, let's stick together from here. It'll be safer. Where to from here?" Everyone looks around until Chase spots a stairwell, pointing his flashlight up it and asking, "How about there?"

  You click your flashlight back on and silently lead the way, with Kyra by your side and the rest following the two of you. Your footsteps echo in the stairwell. Jess starts humming, much to the irritation of others. 

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