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you and xiao began to walk over to your next class together but it felt very awkward since no one is talking. "do you like the history teacher?" you asked to break the silence. " kind of, his class is pretty easy though," he responded. you continued walking down the hall until you got to the classroom.

instead of sitting down in your usual seat you sat next to xiao. he just looked at you confused but didn't say anything. the class had started but you were more interested in sleeping than learning about whatever you were learning in history. " you know we have a test coming up soon right? you probably shouldn't sleep through it," xiao reminded you. you quickly shot up and pulled out your history folder. he almost let out a smile at how focused you were but turned his head to block it.

" ugh i'm gonna be up all night again trying to study, it's like a never ending cycle," you said laying down on your papers. "can't you just study before bed? you already have a good amount written down," xiao asked. " yea well..you know how i got in trouble for sleeping in class in math?" xiao nodded. "she was teaching the next unit, and i missed all of it". xiao just stared at you in shock. " wait, can you help me?" you asked with a smile. "uh, i don't have your number". you ripped up a piece of scrap paper and wrote your number down on it.

you slid the paper towards xiao. he stared at it for a second before sighing and picking it up. "text me so i can save your number ok?" he nodded.

4:02 pm




hii 👋
are you gonna help me?

yea ig

ft me

can't you just call?

join facetime

there was a long moment of silence before you decided to break it. "hellooo?" "hi," xiao responded. "soo are you gonna help me?" "yea i guess, what do you want to start with?" xiao said. "i have my math unit to study, wanna help me with that?" you responded. "sure, i'll just teach it to you i guess."

xiao helped you with the math work for about an hour and and a half. "ugh i'm so tiredd, how much more work is in this dang unit?" you asked, annoyed. "actually i think we finished it, finally." xiao responded. "wait actually? finally, i'm so tired."

"what else is there to do?" xiao asked. "i kinda still have the history test to study for" you said nervously, hoping he wouldn't get mad at you for making him stay up to help you. "are you gonna finish it tonight? the test is in 3 days." xiao asked " yea so, i didn't really write much down so i'm gonna work on it tonight, you don't have to stay up with me though." you said. "no it's fine, i'll work on it with you."

it was sort of a surprise that he was talking to you and helping you work, it made you feel like this was a really good start to being his friend. you two worked on the study guide until almost 1:00 in the morning. although, you had fallen asleep half an hour ago. xiao didn't realize it because he was also filling out his study guide and didn't look at his phone. once he had realized you feel asleep he decided to go to sleep as well, but he kept you on the face time call on his desk until the morning.

when you had woken up, you had immediately noticed the facetime call still running on your phone, but not to long later you had noticed the time, you were late for school. the call running on your phone had caused your alarm not to make a sound.

"xiao, xiaooo are you sleeping?" you yelled to make sure he wasn't late aswell. "hmmhm," he mumbled getting out of bed. his phone wasn't facing his bed so you couldn't see him but his bed head was messy.

he walked over to his phone making sure not to be in frame of his camera so you didn't see his bed head and grabbed his phone to end the call.

his morning voice was so deep it was the only think you could think about.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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