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(group chat name)
your only friends

8:30 AM

hu tao
do you guys wanna walk
around the school during
yea i'm down, i'm kinda
sick of sitting down everyday
eating the horrible foods
they feed us anyways
xianling you should start
making us food 😏
hell no you guys are like pigs
even me??🥺
especially you tf 🤨
damn 😔
anyways i'm down to walk
i think the others have their
phones in their backpacks
hu tao
i'll just ask them during lunch
alr sounds good

you were sitting in your first period class, math, about to fall asleep. you were sitting in the back of the classroom so you really didn't feel like there was a problem with taking a short nap, the bell would wake you up anyways.

about to doze off, you hear your name being called. the teacher had somehow noticed that you were falling asleep and called you up to answer a problem. you wiped off your eyes and walked up without saying a word or even looking at the board to see what the question was.

once you got up there, you were completely confused. apparently the teacher had been going over a new topic and you had missed it all from sleeping in class. you just stared at the board completely blank when the teacher said "not very surprised you can't figure it out since you thought it would be a good idea to sleep in my class".

you were about to yawn but you managed to block it off so the teacher wouldn't think you were being disrespectful. without saying anything, you went back to your desk and placed your elbow on the desk and pressed your cheek on your fist, about to fall asleep again.

then the bell rang, a bit upset you didn't get to take a nap, since you had been up all night doing homework, you slouched over your bag, picked it up, and threw it on your back.

you walked over to your second period class, science, which was probably gonna be even harder to try and sleep in because your science teacher had the most loud and obnoxious voice out there.

you found your seat and sat down. first thing you did when you sat down was determine the best sleeping position so you wouldn't get caught or have to hear much of your teachers voice. lucky for you, a short, almost wolf cut, with blue streaks haired guy was sitting in front of you.

he didn't look too interested in the class either, but since he was in the teachers view, he didn't try to misbehave. his positioning in front of you was perfect to cover you up so you could get a good nap in.

it seemed like he recognized that you were trying to sleep because he would shift his body weight to the side every time you moved to help cover you up better. soon you had realized it was just a coincidence that he was covering you up because he had stopped after a few seconds and rested his head on his hand watching the teachers lesson.

you couldn't fall asleep to the sound of the teacher talking so you sat up and propped your elbow on the desk just like the guy in front of you and sat your head on your hand.

while spacing out not listening to the teachers lesson, you had realized that you had quite a few classes with the guy in front of you. you could remember his hair in math class and he was also in your history class after lunch.

you decided to ask him if he wanted to hang out during lunch since you would have the next period together, and you had no friends in your history class.

"hey, what's your name?" you asked tapping his shoulder "why, do i know you?" he responded. "no, but we have history after lunch together so i thought we could walk together if we became friends", you said with a smile. "sorry, i'm not interested in making new friends", he said turning his head back facing away from you. "well, could you at least tell me your name?", you asked. "fine, it's xiao", he said with his head still facing away from you. a bit upset that he wouldn't talk to you much you rested your cheek on your hand again.

once it was finally lunch you decided to follow xiao to see where he sits at lunch. to you, he looked like a pretty lonely guy so you wanted to make sure he had someone to sit with. after following him for a few minutes you saw that he had chosen a corner in the back of the school to sit at. he only had a small piece of bread to eat and he finished it in one bite. feeling bad for him, you decided to ask him if he wanted to grab some food from the vending machines.

" hey, xiao, do you wanna go grab some food with me?" you asked. " i already told you i'm not interested, plus i don't have any money", he responded. "don't worry i'll pay for you", you said with a small smile on your face. starting to get hungry, xiao accepted and was planning on just walking to the vending machine, grabbing his free food, and walking off to a different corner to sit at.

"so, do you ever pay any attention to the science teacher?" you asked. "um, no not really" he quickly responded " yea me neither, i usually just try and sleep but his voice is so loud it's almost impossible". "mmhm" xiao hummed, trying to end the conversation.

once you got to the vending machines you saw your group of friends over there. "heyy guys, this is my friend xiao". you said introducing him. "oh hey y/n, hi xiao, nice to meet you" hu tao said. "i was just going to grab him some food since he doesn't have any" you said, but once you looked at xiao, his face was sort of confused.

xiao's pov

friend? i literally just met her. she seems sort of friendly though, but i can't risk anything happening to her. i'll just grab the food myself, i have money anyways.

y/n's pov

"anyways, xiao what do you want?" you asked "just..another slice of bread", xiao responded. you bought him his bread and walked him back to where he was sitting "hey, before you sit down, do you want to sit with me?," you asked. " why?," he asked with a straight face. "i guess, i just want to get to know you better!," he didn't really have a choice since you had already bought him bread.

walking over to your usual table, you noticed your group of friends coming back over. " hey y/n, can we talk?" venti asked with the rest of the group behind him. "yea sure ig," you turned over to face xiao, "sorry, i'll be back in a sec," he just shrugged it off with a mouthful of bread.

"what's up guys?," you asked the group after walking a couple tables away from xiao "y/n...are you sure you want to be friends with him?" childe asked. "yea, do you guys have something wrong with him?" you questioned. " no it's just..he's kinda emo to be honest, we feel like he might be rude to you," venti responded. " i think he just needs to warm up to me, plus i don't really care if he doesn't want to be my friend,"

what a lie

before you could sit down with xiao again, you heard the bell ring. " do you wanna walk to class with me?" you asked. he just nodded because once again it didn't seem like he had a choice.

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