OneShot Request Rules (Open!!)

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heyaa!!! Cakey here! Im using this little oneshot book to practice my fanfic writing skills and to just goof around. Ill also be taking requests! but there are rules

1. you CANNOT request NSFW,SMUT, OR ANY SEXUAL CONTENT! im not comfartable with that, and its gross >:(

2. You can request Shipping & Fluff, and Y/N x character is fine (y/n will be presented as gender nuetral)

3. i'll also write onshots that I want to write, and I'll Write oneshots about my au's or other au's 

4. due to me being a lazy peice of crap and school, I dont think ill be able to post daily, I dont know, but I'll see what happens

5. I will allow gore and violence

6. Humanizations/Gijinkas are ok too!

7. keep in mind that this is all for fun, plz dont make fun of my writing skills ;-;


how to request:

just comment your request or message me ur request


what represents what:

💢 = angst

 🌸 = fluff

👤 = humanization

🐇 = gijinka

🫀= Blood/gore warning


thats all, and enjoy!!!

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