Sweet Revenge

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The night was warm. You always appreciated warm nights, but tonight it went unnoticed as you hurried along the path that led to the gates of Konoha. Tonight was the fireworks festival, and the grand final was about to begin in only a few minutes. You didn't want to be late, fighting back tears, afraid that you'd miss the beautiful display of fireworks with your lover Isamu. You wanted nothing more than to be in his arms as soon as they went off, and for him to look you in the eyes, and kiss you. Normally, you would have blushed at the thought, but you were too distracted, already upset after sneaking away from your parents, who strongly disapproved of your love for your childhood friend and quickly dismissed any ideas of you marrying him, let alone being around him. He was waiting for you at the treehouse the two of you built as children about a mile out from the village. A secret spot only the two of you knew of, hidden behind a mass of fallen trees and moss covered rocks. Days before the festival, he told you he would wait for you in this secluded area, where the two of you would enjoy the fireworks together, away from the judgemental eyes of the villagers, who also disapproved of the two of you being together.

You finally made it past the gates. Thankful to the guards who were on shift for letting you pass by without reporting it to your parents. They had no problem with you wanting to be with Isamu and only hoped for the best between the two of you. They knew that your parents did not approve of this relationship, but because they had grown up with you, they thought the two of you made a wonderful couple, and like a few others, didn't quite care about what your parents thought. You finally made it halfway, running as fast as you could when you heard the fireworks quite down, knowing the grand final was about to happen. You would absolutely hate to miss this moment. Regardless of what would happen in the future, it would be a special moment that the two of you would cherish for a lifetime. Finally making it to the giant tree behind the covering, you looked up to see Isamu standing beside the ladder that led up to the treehouse. "Come quick", he said, a big smile gracing his handsome face as he reached his hand out to you. Despite your troubles, seeing him smile eased your mind and you smiled back at him. He looked strikingly handsome in his pale blue yukata, you thought as you quickly approached him, placing your hand in his to help you up the tree. Just as the fireworks went off, Isamu climbed into the treehouse after you and you shifted so he could sit beside you, the two of you admiring the beautiful display from the lovely view you had hidden high up in one of the trees outside the village. "I can never get over how exciting the fireworks are", Isamu quietly spoke and you turned your head to face him. He looked into your eyes and held them and even though you thought they were absolutely gorgeous, you couldn't resist jumping on him for a hug. He laughed loudly, adjusting you to sit on his lap as he held you tight, and you had never felt safer, snuggling into him to inhale his addictive scent. You weren't sure when you'd be able to see him like this again.

It was moments like this when you wished you could also be a Shinobi. You always thought that would help you spend more time with him. Your parents were the leaders of one of the strongest clans in the village and being the only child was miserable. You. Therefore, your entire life had been dedicated to being the perfect lady so you could eventually be married off to a ninja from another strong clan, for the purpose of maintaining your families status and birthing strong children to enrich the clan. What was the point of your inheritance of the byakugan if you were never allowed to actually use it. You even envied your closest friends, who by the age of 14, were leading jonin ninjas and were now considered Konohas special weapons. Your lover was not as popular as your friends were, and you respected him for his own abilities. He was also from the Uchiha clan, another one of the strongest clans in the village, but your parents didn't care, because his family wasn't as rich as yours, or held any important titles outside of being from the clan. "I missed you more than words can explain, '' you said as you clung to him. He chuckled, "I think I missed you more". You parted from him for a moment, your cheeks warming up as he looked at you. "You're so pretty. Maybe I don't really deserve you", he joked and you held his face in your hands. "Don't say that!", you scolded him, and without thinking, you pressed your lips against his. He was shocked for just a moment, smiling into the kiss, absolutely enjoying how soft and gentle they felt against his, disappointed when you pulled back. "I'm sorry", you blushed, covering your face in the palms of your hands. This was the first kiss the two of you shared and you ruined it by throwing yourself at him like that. You felt ashamed, even though you liked it a lot. "Hey", Isamu said, pulling your wrist away so he could see your face. "Please don't apologise, that was amazing. I'd rate it a 7 out of ten", he joked and you were now offended. "Hey!", you said, lightly smacking him on the shoulder. "What? I could give you the extra points for another one", he smiled, making you smile too. This time, he leaned in to kiss you, and at this point you'd long forgotten about the fireworks behind you, pulling back again for a breath but he only leaned forward, grabbing your wrist to keep you from ending it so quickly. You moaned into the kiss and he finally broke it, slightly out of breath, the two of you panting as you stared in one another's eyes. Tonight was truly special and you spent the rest of the evening with him in the tree, falling asleep in his arms.

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