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Eden Blake raced through the dense woods, his breaths ragged, his young heart pounding in his chest. He staggered, groaning as he leaned against a sturdy tree, pain radiating from a gunshot wound in his stomach and left leg. The bullet embedded within him contained wolfsbane, a deadly herb that left him feverish, weakened, and burning from the inside. His senses were a chaotic mess, distorted by the wound, and his once formidable strength now dwindled.

In the shadows of the trees, he glanced over his shoulder, hearing a chorus of footsteps closing in. Eden's eyes, bearing the weight of fear and determination, scanned the surroundings, desperate for an escape. "If only I can use my power," he thought, frustration evident in his internal curses. "Killing them won't be a problem, damn werewolf hunters!"

Gritting his teeth against the pain, he forced his weakened body to move. But a sudden change of strategy occurred to him, a desperate maneuver for survival. Eden agilely climbed a nearby tree, becoming one with the darkness, a predator waiting patiently for its prey.

A chorus of voices echoed below, the hunters gathering near his last known location. "Hey, there's blood in here!" one of them shouted, unknowingly sealing their fate. Eden's eyes dimly glowed, fangs elongated, and nails transformed into sharp claws as he prepared to strike. In a swift descent, he lunged at a hunter, slashing his throat with precision.

"HERE!" The remaining hunters shouted, panic setting in as they discovered their fallen comrade. Eden cleverly used the lifeless body as a shield against the bullets that came his way. Once their ammunition ran out, he tossed the lifeless hunter towards them, initiating a frenzied attack. The forest echoed with the screams of men meeting their demise at the hands of a teenage werewolf.

"You were the one trying to kill a kid," Eden growled, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of vengeance and survival. The last hunter, crawling in fear, hoped to escape, but that hope vanished as Eden swiftly snapped his neck. The dark irony hung in the air—those who hunted him for his perceived monstrosity were proven wrong.

The boy, however, didn't emerge unscathed. His body bore more gunshot wounds, the burns from the wolfsbane-infused bullets worsening. Eden staggered, dragging his feet until he collapsed on the forest floor. Gasping for breath, he reached for his phone, fingers trembling as he dialed a contact named Dr. Alaric.

The call connected, and Alaric's usually light voice turned alarmed at the sound of Eden's shaky voice. "Hey, Eden, what happened?" Alaric asked, concern evident in his tone.

"Not doing so good," Eden wheezed. "A bunch of hunters got me. Shot me with wolfsbane. I killed them all, but I..." His sentence trailed off as pain overwhelmed him. The phone fell to the ground, and the line went silent as Eden lost consciousness.

"Eden! Eden, I need you to answer me!" Alaric shouted into the phone, panic etching his features. Desperate, he enlisted Emma's help to perform a locator spell. As the spell pointed to a location in the forest, they wasted no time and hurried to find their student.

Bullet marks on the trees guided them, and dread crept in as they encountered lifeless bodies strewn across the forest floor. Ignoring the gruesome sight, they pressed on, urgency in their steps. Finally, they found Eden, a broken figure sitting on the ground, blood-soaked, and his torn clothes bearing witness to the violence he endured.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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