Cuddles and Coughs 🌡️

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Sickie🌡️: Jisung
Caregiver: Hyunjin, Seungmin
729 words

This is such a short story 😭 sorry, I have like no motivation right now 🥲

On one chilly afternoon, Jisung was lying in his bed. When he was at the studio this morning, his thoughts were all jumbled and he couldn't figure out any lyrics. It really frustrated him since he's the ace and should be able to do anything.

Then, Chan sent him to the dorm. Like, what is wrong with him? Jisung knew he could at least do SOME lyrics but Chan didn't let him!!

He was a little upset but didn't wanna argue so he kept his thoughts to himself and went to the dorm

Now, he's lying in his bed and struggling to catch his breath after a long 5 minute coughing fit. He has been trying to sleep for the past hour since he got home but each time he's close to drifting off he throws himself into another coughing fit by breathing deep

He's really agitated that he can't sleep and his chest is aching from the painful cough, he decides to go into the kitchen and make some Ginger tea

Once he's done making the tea, he puts it in a a large mug and sits in the living room so he can watch his favorite kdrama. He sips his tea and turns the TV on, he places the mug on the coffee table and he breathes deeply. That was a mistake, Jisung has yet another coughing fit and it sounds terrible

He gets dizzy from the lack of air and the coughing won't stop, he is gasping for air and his vision blurs as he falls onto the couch, now unconscious

Chan's POV

Jisung seemed off this morning, he wasn't able to write any lyrics. I had a bad gut feeling so I told him to go back to the dorms to rest, I was shocked when he actually agreed and didn't insist to stay. I expected him to say "Noo hyung, I'll be okay" or "I'll be okay Chan, I just didn't get enough sleep"

Even if it made me worry more, I knew my dongsaeng would be able to take care of himself.

But, my worry got even worse when he didn't answer the phone. I made the decision to quickly check on him by going to the dorm so I knew he was okay

Time skip

I arrived at the dorm, I see Jisung on the couch and he's very pale. The mug next to him was cold to the touch and I shake him "Jisung!" "Jisung wake up! This isn't funny!!"

Jisung POV

My eyes flutter open and I see Chan hyung crouching in front of me, he looks very very worried and I can't help but feel sick to my stomach when I realize he saw me like this. I'm thrown into another coughing fit and it hurts so bad, it sounds wet and my chest aches so much

Tears are flowing freely down my pale cheeks and I can't stop my cough, Chan is rubbing my chest and running his fingers through my wavy brown locks. Even if Chan is trying to help and trying to comfort me, it isn't helping my pain or discomfort at all

At least 6 minutes later, the coughing finally stops and I rest my heavy head on my hyungs shoulder. Chan keeps his fingers in my hair and swoops his arm under my side. He smoothly picks me up and carries me to my bedroom that me and Seungmin share

When Chan puts me back on my bed he tucks the blankets around me "Sungie, I'm gonna go make you some tea, okay?" "Okay....keep it warm please.." Jisung requests, Chan nods and goes to the kitchen

Moments later, Chan comes back with some warm ginger tea and feeds it to Jisung "Thanks hyung..." He says, his voice still hoarse

"It's no problem, quokka" Chan smiles and when Jisung finishes his tea, Chan places the mug onto his bedside table and climbs into the bed to give his dongsaeng cuddles

Jisung accepts the cuddles with open arms, he needed all the cuddles and comfort he was offered. But, when Chan starts to rub his chest and run his soft fingers through his hair, it was enough to lull the sick boy to sleep

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