A little extra cuddles pt2 🍼🧸

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Little 1: Chan
2nd Little: Changbin
Caregivers: Felix, Minho, and Jisung mainly take care of them but everyone does
1038 words

While Felix was in Changbin's room, Chan was being fed by Minsung. "Have you had enough, love?" Jisung asked Chan with a chuckle, he has had almost the whole bottle of apple juice and he didn't want the little to get a tummy ache.

"Nuh! I wan' more!" Chan says with the cutest voice he can muster so he's able to sway his hyung, as expected, it had worked since Chan was Jisungs baby.

But, Minho was quick to intervene as he grabbed Chan's bottle. "That's enough apple juice for you" he says, moving the bottle and placing it on the counter. Chan had let out a frustrated whine because he got his favorite drink and his bottle taken from him.

Jisung felt bad for him but deep down he knew it wouldn't be good for the little either if he kept drinking it, Chan knew that too but it was soooo good!

Meanwhile, Felix had moved Changbin to his room and wrapped him up in a blanket, he had even promised the new little cuddles with Chan later tonight. "Binnie, baby, do you wanna go see Chan? I'm sure he'll be happy to have another age regressor friend"

Felix offers, "Uh...I guesh" Changbin responds. His tone was a bit shaky since he was shy and nervous to meet the other little, he's never had a friend that also used age regression as an escape.

"Let's go then, sweetheart" Felix says as he picks up Changbin who is still curled up in the blanket, he walks out into the living room and sees Minsung trying to convince Chan that he can't have any more apple juice. Felix just simply laughs since he knows how stubborn Chan can be.

Chan hears his Aussie brother chuckle and whips his head around almost immediately, his eyes lock on Changbin's and they light up.

"I-ish that Changbin?!" He asked quickly, Felix smiles and gives him a small nod. "Mhm, this is him, he's like you cutie" he says, Minho sees Changbin first and Jisung sees him after Felix speaks.

Jisung wasn't very surprised since his hyung always had headaches and he knew that's what happened if you didn't slip often, on the other hand, Minho was absolutely shell shocked. He could never imagine Changbin being like Chan, but, he wasn't mad about it or anything.

Changbin was feeling super shy so he leaned into Felix more, "Hewo...." he mumbled quietly, he shouldn't feel this embarrassed since the guys looking at him are basically his brothers but it's weird since they are now his hyungs.

Minho and Jisung had cooed as soon as Changbin spoke, he had a small lisp that was absolutely adorable to anyone who listened to him. "Aw, he's so cute" Jisung says, he was telling the truth too.

Changbin smiles softly, "Weally....?" He questioned. Minho nods and speaks for Jisung "He's being genuine, sweets" Minho's tone was softer since it seemed like Changbin was slipped deeper than Chan was and it was Changbin's little self's first time meeting them.

Felix had taken a glance at Chan, his eyes were sparkling as he looked at Changbin. Felix can't help but laugh since Chan was shocked to his core, he couldn't even react.

"Binnie, do you wanna hang out with your two hyungs while I talk to Channie?" Felix asked the little, who immediately nodded his head and reached out for Jisung. Felix let go when Jisung grabbed Changbin and swooped him in the air.

Chan looked at Felix when he approached him "Daddy!!" He says and he jumps on him, Felix's heart melts as he listened to Chan's tone, so sweet and innocent like Changbin's.

"Yes, sweetie? Do you see your new friend, Binnie?" Chan had nodded when the caregiver asked him that, "Yesh, I see him!!" he said happily. He could see that Felix was happy and that made him happier.

Minho now was holding Changbin in his arms and was asking him simple questions, like what animals he liked and what his favorite color was. It seemed to him that Changbin and Chan had a lot of things in common, they both liked the same color, ice cream flavor, and they had a few of the same traits.

Felix was still talking to Chan and Chan was ranting about the apple juice situation again, he was so frustrated with his hyungs that he couldn't have more apple juice.

"Channie, come over and meet Binnie" Jisung said, Chan had looked at Felix and took his hand, wanting him to go over with him.

Felix smiled "Do you want me over there with you, baby?" He asked, Chan gave him a simple nod and they both walked over there. Changbin looks at Chan and smiles shyly, Jisung gave him a comforting smile so Changbin wasn't as shy.

Chan decided to speak first since Changbin was taking too long and the poor boy was getting impatient "Hewwo!" Chan says, his voice more high pitched since he's excited.

Changbin hears Chan's tone and that brightens his mood, making him a bit more extroverted. "Uh...hi....." he says softly, Chan grabbed his wrist and look up at Felix. "Can you bwing color boowks?" Chan asked, he really really wanted to color with the new little.

Felix was about to say something but Seungmin beat him to it "Here, you're lucky I overheard him" He says, he knew that Felix's back was still hurting so he decided to do the job for him.

"Thanks Seungmin" Felix said, grabbing the coloring books and handing them to the littles. They both ran off to go color somewhere, everyone else just watched as they got along quickly. They all admired how they weren't shy about being different, and being an age regressor. But, they loved them for it, and that's what made them family.

Hello!!! Sorry for being inactive, I've been at work 😭 anyway, this might be the last part of this story but I can make another part if I have more to add. Love you guys and thank you for the support 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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