Chapter 5

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I hope you're doing okay. It's just been Dad, Merle and I out here for a few days now, things have gotten scary. I wish I could send you this letter and let you know everything that's happened, but I know that's not possible right now.

Every day, I wake up and it feels like I'm trapped in a never-ending nightmare. The world has changed so much, and it's scary. I try to be strong, just like you, but sometimes it feels like it's too much.... I don't like being in the woods so much as I used to anymore.

I miss Virginia. I miss our home, our cozy nights together, and all the little things that used to make me happy. I miss your hugs and your comforting voice. I wish I could hear you telling me that everything will be alright. It's tough not having you here with me. I miss you, mama.

Coach, I miss you too! I remember the promise I made to you, to stay strong no matter what. I'm doing my best to keep that promise. I have faith that you and Mom are safe, and that she's feeling better.

I love dad and he's keeping me safe, but I can't wait until this is all over and I can see you both again.

I love you, Mom. I love you too, Coach. I hope you know that, even though I can't send this letter to you. Stay safe wherever you are, and know that I'm thinking of you.

With all my love,

I wipe my eye as I finish re-reading my letter for the hundredth time. I fold it carefully and put it back into my back pack, holding the bag tight to me for comfort. I look up out of the open door of the truck as I hear a twig snap. It's uncle Merle coming back to camp from his daily perimeter scan. I blink at him as he walks by me. He avoids eye contact with me and beelines straight for dad. They start to talk to each other pretty intensely, but I can't hear them from the cab of the truck. Uncle Merle must have seen something interesting though, because this is the first time he's been this energetic in days.

Days.... It's actually been three days since I lost contact with mama and we had to leave dad's house. Daddy said that the telephone company lost power or something. I think that it wasn't just the telephone company, though. I think it must be everywhere, because when we were on our drive out to Atlanta two days ago, we couldn't stop at any gas stations so I could go to the bathroom. I asked daddy and uncle Merle if we could stop for a bathroom break, but they said the gas stations aren't working right now.

I ended up holding my pee for five hours straight that day. They said we'd be better off to pull over and 'pop a squat' in the forest, because we couldn't stop at even a Walmart or a McDonald's if not the gas station. Which is where we are now... not a McDonald's, the forest I mean. We're close to an old camping spot that Merle, and maybe daddy too, have gone camping at before. When we were just getting close to Atlanta there was a big explosion from that direction. Uncle Merle was actually the one driving then and without really a thought he immediately turned the truck away from the highway and said something about 'finding his old spot'.

So, here we are. The middle of the forest, and I have barely any clue why. Nobody has really explained to me, in at least a way that helps me really understand, what's happening. All I know is that people are getting sick and going crazy, -Uncle Merle said not necessarily in that order- and that we're trying to keep to ourselves. Oh, and we gotta stay away from dead people? I think that should be pretty easy since we ain't near a grave yard in the forest, I don't think. I just get more nervous for mama and coach though, because back home there's a cemetery two streets from our house.
I have no way of contacting them to make sure that they're okay and that they know to make sure to stay away from the cemetery. Here I go again, this is the cycle I've been in for three days. I try think about something else but I feel like I can't stay focused on anything because I just miss mama so bad.

"Dixie, you been hearin' me?" Daddy snaps his fingers in front of my face, trying to get my attention. I look up at daddy standing in the open driver side door way, right in front of my legs that are dangling out of the truck.

When did he get here? See, that's me not concentrating again.

I drop my bag down on the floor board, as I look over his shoulder to see uncle Merle folding up their camping chairs and packing up various things.

I look back at dad, "sorry, not really." I reply and start to tug on my fingers anxiously. "Say it again please, daddy? I was thinking."

I watch as the stress lines on his forehead crinkle and then smooth out as he looks over my face. He sighs and grabs my hands, pulling them apart and holding them with his while bringing them down to my lap. I look down at them and then up at him when he says, "I told ya to pack yer things, babe. We ain't staying in this spot anymore." He throws a weary look at Merle over his shoulder before his eyes return back to mine, "Merle found a group of people and we're gonna... see if we can stay with them for a little while."

(A/n lol at this point maybe I should just make it a permanent disclaimer that I take a while to update. Hey everybody! Thanks for reading! I hope you like it. :) your comments bring me joy)
(Word count: 1035)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23 ⏰

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