Sewing Lessons (Mordex x Yumiko)

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For @GodofWarhammer on Wattpad! This one's pretty long, but enjoy!


Kaya was chilly.

Mordex could tell. They'd been ice fishing for a while, and no matter how cheerful or 'sunny' the natural would act, she still shivered every once in a while. Mordex never knew why, especially because she grew up in such a chilly climate, but he never questioned Valhallan logic.

Still, she was the only one still willing to befriend him and go with him to ice fish, so he wanted to give some sort of thanks.

A scarf seemed perfect– it was warm, comforting, and something like a 'neck hug'. Something Kaya could fidget with when she liked and wear it when they went ice fishing.

One problem, however.

Mordex didn't know how to sew.

The werewolf never found any sort of interest in the sort, it didn't give him power, fame, glory, anything that would supply his greed. So that was a bit of an issue.

Another sort was that as much as he wanted to call on the same dark magic that took care of Diana, he didn't know if there would be any side effects that could harm the innocent teen, and also, he had no clue if these spells would work for sewing.

And lastly, he knew no one would take him in and teach him. He was feared, hated, and as much pride as he took for being such a ruthless villain, this was one of the odder sort of handicaps.

His best option– to visit the centuries old kitsune that was probably scared of him. She was calm, from what he saw, and wise. She probably knew better than anyone what a seamstress would do. Plus, if she didn't comply, he'd just need to act up and 'scare' her into it.

He really didn't want that last situation to happen though.

If anything, he actually respected the kitsune. She was well-mannered, and didn't let the past really get to her, unlike some. Though, she did seem to avoid him a lot.

Didn't matter now, he walked into the Twilight Grove, home to the kitsune and Jiro. Brushing the snow from his feet, he did feel a little nervous about Yumiko's judgment. He also didn't want to get lost here, though like Kaya said, the scenery was nice.

He wasn't aware of the kitsune silently observing him.

Yumiko hummed quietly as she heard the werewolf quietly murmur to himself. She could read his thoughts and his intentions like a book. Knowing her past, she kept her distance, but decided to open up to him just this once, as she was actually fond of Kaya and did like his idea.

"Mordex? Is that you?"

The wolf whipped his head, and saw her smiling warmly.

"Yeah. So I-"

"I know already, do not worry, I won't judge you."

"Sorry, what?"

"I know what your mind says, nothing much."

"That- that is a lot-"

"A kitsune has its secrets, and this is no exception, though it is fun to mention." Yumiko giggled before continuing "Come on, I'll guide you. You seem confused, I think."

The werewolf's fur warmed, embarrassed.

"Yeah yeah, just lead me there."

Yumiko only smiled more at his gruff voice. He seemed pretty easy to embarrass. Maybe it was just his reputation on the line. Not that he really had in this forest, but she wouldn't prod.

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