Chapter 1

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Saturday October 14, 19:32

"Bobbie! Are you coming to dinner?" my mother calls from the bottom of the stairs, her voice echoing through the house. I am in my room making final adjustments to my set list for tonight's party. Just one more little adjustment and... Done! "Coming," I reply, putting my laptop into my backpack.

I make my way down the stairs, each step bringing me closer to the delicious smell of my mother's homemade spaghetti sauce. When I enter the kitchen, my mother is already waiting at the table with a modest portion of spaghetti bolognaise in front of her. A few scented candles give the kitchen a warm and cosy feel. "I thought I'd make it a little cosy tonight," my mother says with a smile on her face as she scoops a generous portion of pasta onto my plate. Although I find the situation a little suspicious, I nod approvingly and say, "Looks good, mum. Thank you."

As we begin to eat, my mother tries to break the slight tension in the room by asking about my plans for tonight. "So, any exciting plans for the evening?" she asks. I sigh and briefly glance down at my plate, feeling a momentary disappointment. I had already told her about the party, but once again, she didn't remember. "I have a party where I need to mix tonight," I reply, looking her straight in the eye, hoping she will remember. My mother raises her eyebrows and replies enthusiastically, "Oh, that's fantastic, Bobbie!". It's clear she wasn't listening the last time I mentioned it. But what else did I expect? For the past few weeks, she's had her mind elsewhere. "Your father would have been so proud of you! You know he liked mixing too! You are very much alike. I am sure you will do a great job tonight," my mother interrupts my thoughts, beaming with immense pride. I hesitate for a moment, trying to suppress my frustration and emotions, and to choose my words carefully. "Yes, I guess he would." I say, feeling a flicker of sadness cross my face.

The conversation pauses for a moment, the weight of our shared loss is hanging in the air. My mother reaches for my hand and squeezes it gently. "I know it was hard, and it still is, darling, but life goes on and we must try to find joy in new things," my mother says, "Speaking of which, I have something else to tell you. I have plans for tonight too." I look up into her eyes with a sense of curiosity. I notice that she seems a little hesitant to tell me what she has planned, so I ask for clarification, "Plans? What are you planning?". My mother smiles and says, "I have a date with someone special. Someone I've been talking to for a while."

I drop my fork on my plate when I learn that my mother is dating again. With a sense of surprise and irritation, I blink my eyes and respond, "Mum, seriously? Are you dating again, already?" It's only been three months since Robby, and here she is already with someone new. Not to mention that she started dating again just six months after my father died. My mother nods and says calmly, "Honey, I have to get on with my life, you know. Your father would want that for me too. I hope you can understand that." I sigh and leave the table, saying, "I'm not hungry anymore, and I have to go to the party." Once outside, I light a joint to calm myself down. 'From now on, it's just you and me,' she said. What a lie.

Sunday October 15, 01:05

The bass thumping through the speakers echoes through the crowded room as I concentrate on mixing my tracks. Spotlights pulsate to the beat, alternating between different groups of people. Scanning the dance floor, I notice a vibrant crowd, full of energy, lost in the music. Suddenly, my eyes catch a figure moving with mesmerising grace. A girl in a shimmering white dress is dancing as if she owned the space, her every move perfectly synchronised with the music. Her black hair is swirling around her as she moves.

As my fingers continue to operate the turntable, my focus shifts entirely to the mysterious girl. I feel an irresistible magnetic pull that draws my gaze to her every move. The rest of the world fades away, leaving just the two of us in the middle of the music. Her movements are captivating, a pure expression of freedom and joy. Every swing of her body effortlessly matches the rhythm.

Elke seconde telt // Every second counts (FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now