Chapter 5

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Saturday November 11, 21:12

The darkness outside serves only as a backdrop to the storm of emotions rising inside me. I sit on my bed, clutching my phone as I stare at the screen. I haven't heard from Anaïs since our fight yesterday, and the uncertainty is eating at me. Have I screwed up? Is it over between us? Have I lost the one I love again? Every second seems to drag on endlessly as I wait for a sign of life from her. My heart pounds in my chest and my thoughts race through my head. I never thought a small argument could cause so much pain.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates and my heart skips a beat. With trembling hands, I unlock the screen and see a message from Anaïs in our group chat. A smile spreads across my face when I see the photo she sent. *On my way!* she added. It's a selfie of her on the bus on the way to the Club '07 meeting at Bar Brul. I am overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. On the one hand, I'm still scared because of our conflict and the fact that she hasn't sent me a message all day, even though she promised me to do so yesterday. On the other hand, I feel butterflies in my stomach and an intense desire to see her.

I decide to get ready right away and go to the Club '07 meeting at Bar Brul. I quickly fix my hair, spray on some perfume and rush out of my room. My heart is racing with every second. I have to see her, hear her voice and hold her in my arms.

Saturday November 11, 22:03

I enter the bar and look around. Finn, Mila, Otis and Ada are already there, sitting comfortably in the lounge. I give them a weak smile as I walk towards them, but my thoughts are with Anaïs. Strange that she hasn't arrived yet? She left before me and it's not like I live that much closer. With a nervous sigh, I sit down in the sofa next to Finn and keep my eyes glued to the door. I try to keep my nerves under control and follow my friends' conversation, but I can't concentrate. Not until I've seen Anaïs.

Suddenly the door opens and Hanne and Anaïs come in together. My heart skips a beat at the sight of Anaïs. I tap lightly on the spot next to me on the sofa to indicate that she can sit there, but my excitement quickly fades when she decides to sit on a chair next to Hanne instead. Rejection. Again. A feeling of disappointment and frustration wells up inside me. Why is she rejecting me? Because of our fight yesterday? Questions swirl through my mind as I try to hide my disappointment, to force a smile on my face and to enjoy the company of our friends. Anaïs does not really seem to be involved in the conversation either. She seems to be doing her best to ignore me, looking away uncomfortably. It frustrates me. All this over a stupid, harmless joint?

Saturday November 11, 23:45

"And Noah isn't coming?" Ada asks Finn curiously. It is becoming increasingly clear that Ada hasn't gotten over him yet. "Yeah, Noah, uhm..." Finn hesitates, knowing the answer won't be what Ada wants to hear, "No, apparently not, on a date," he continues. "On a date? With who?" Ada asks, her voice rising, clearly taken aback by the news. I give Finn a pouty look as he struggles to find the right words to break the news. Finn looks at Anaïs helplessly, prompting Ada to ask if she knows more, "Do you know who?" she asks Anaïs. "Uhm, not really, I saw her in the coffee bar on Wednesday," Anaïs confesses. "And was she pretty?" Otis follows immediately, obviously more excited about the new gossip. "Just, nothing special," Anaïs replies, "Right?" she turns to Finn. Finn confirms. I stare at Anaïs. She continues to ignore me and I feel a slight pang of anger rising. Without thinking, I ask provocatively, "Would you do her?" while making eye contact. Anaïs looks at me confused, "What?" she says in a scared voice. "If you liked women, of course," I add. Anaïs shrugs, "I don't know," she replies. "Too edgy for you?" I ask frustrated. Anaïs doesn't answer. Hanne, clearly sensing something is up, intervenes and asks Anaïs to go to the bar with her to get some drinks. Before they leave, Anaïs gives me a frustrated look. Now we're both frustrated.

Elke seconde telt // Every second counts (FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now